United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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1992 NY Rulings
> NY 0868247 - NY 0868385
NY 0868247 - The tariff classification of toy building blocks from Canada and a plastic pouch from China
NY 0868253 - The tariff classification of lens edgers from Japan.
NY 0868255 - The tariff classification of microfiltration and hybridization equipment from Canada.
NY 0868256 - The tariff classification of gradient formers and gradient fractionators from Canada.
NY 0868257 - The tariff classification of a child's shoulder bag from China.
NY 0868263 - The tariff classification of tool pouches from Hong Kong and China.
NY 0868264 - The tariff classification of sauna belts from Taiwan.
NY 0868265 - The tariff classification of two women's knitted nightdresses and of a knitted crop styled underwear top from Hong Kong and China.
NY 0868266 - The tariff classification of a plastic container from Mexico.
NY 0868267 - The tariff classification of used NC turning centers from Japan.
NY 0868268 - The tariff classification of an upgrade kit for a hard disk drive from Japan.
NY 0868269 - The tariff classification of children's underwear from Hong Kong.
NY 0868271 - The tariff classification of a balloon light system from the Dominican Republic
NY 0868272 - The tariff classification of twisted polypropylene rope, which is made of wide nonfibrillated strips, from Portugal.
NY 0868276 - The tariff classification of paint strainers from China, India and Bangladesh.
NY 0868279 - The tariff classification of plastic welding rods from Canada.
NY 0868280 - The tariff classification of outdoor chairs from Canada.
NY 0868283 - The tariff classification of nitrocellulose, in granular or flake form, from Canada.
NY 0868291 - The tariff classification of electric shoe polishers from Taiwan
NY 0868294 - The tariff classification of edible BIRDS' NEST from Malaysia.
NY 0868297 - The tariff classification of footwear from Venezuela
NY 0868302 - The tariff classification of vertical gel electrophoresis systems from Canada.
NY 0868306 - The tariff classification of a plastic toy and stuffed animal from China
NY 0868309 - The tariff classification of inflatable hearts from China
NY 0868318 - The tariff classification of 2-acetoxyisobutyryl bromide (CAS # 40635- 67-4) from England.
NY 0868323 - The tariff classification of "ICE CREAM MOJI", an ice cream novelty, from Hong Kong.
NY 0868324 - The tariff classification of used NC lathes from Japan.
NY 0868325 - The tariff classification of prepared vegetables from Italy
NY 0868326 - The tariff classification of surgical drapes and pouches from the Dominican Republic.
NY 0868336 - The tariff classification of a Cosmetic Travel Bag (style #CB00582) from Taiwan.
NY 0868338 - The tariff classification of a Cosmetic Travel Bag (style # CB 00282)from Taiwan
NY 0868339 - The tariff classification of "Shoe Stuffer" Scented Sachet from Taiwan
NY 0868342 - The tariff classification of children's toy jewelry and sunglasses from China.
NY 0868343 - The tariff classification of children's toy jewelry and sunglasses from China.
NY 0868344 - The tariff classification of disposable nonwoven towels or wiping cloths, from Mexico.
NY 0868354 - The tariff classification of textured polyester woven fabric from Taiwan.
NY 0868376 - The tariff classification of a night lamp from China.
NY 0868377 - The tariff classification of a thermal reactor and a hybridization incubator from Canada.
NY 0868381 - The tariff classification of textile bags from Thailand, China and Mexico.
NY 0868385 - The tariff classification of horizontal gel electrophoresis systems from Canada.