United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
7220.11.00 - 7302.90.00
> 7226.92.80
Previous Tariff (7226.92.70 - Alloy steel (o/than tool), width less th/300mm, cold-rolled flat-rolled products, w/thickness n/o 0.25 mm)
Next Tariff (7226.93.00 - Alloy steel, width less th/600mm, flat-rolled products further worked than cold-rolled, electrolytically plated or coated with zinc)
HTS Number:
Alloy steel (o/than tool), width less th/300mm, cold-rolled flat-rolled products, w/thickness o/0.25 mm
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (7226.92.70 - Alloy steel (o/than tool), width less th/300mm, cold-rolled flat-rolled products, w/thickness n/o 0.25 mm)
Next Tariff (7226.93.00 - Alloy steel, width less th/600mm, flat-rolled products further worked than cold-rolled, electrolytically plated or coated with zinc)
Related Rulings:
1993 HQ 0952495 - IA 42/92; Wood Band Saw Steel Strip; Polishing; Grinding; Further Worked; 7226.92.70; 7226.92.80; 7226.99.00; PC 859260 Modified
1993 NY 880160 - The tariff classification of metal cutting bandsaw material from England.
1997 HQ 955310 - Cold-Rolled Steel Strips; Polishing; Grinding; Further Worked; Additional U.S. Note 2 to Chapter 72; HQs 952495, 955737, and 958623; PC 859260, Modified
1998 NY D84408 - The tariff classification of steel strip from England.
1998 NY NY1601 - The tariff classification of steel strip from England.
1999 NY D87206 - The tariff classification of alloy steel strip from Japan.
2000 NY F80300 - The tariff classification of cold-rolled flat-rolled steel from Brazil.
2001 NY H83549 - The tariff classification of steel strip from England.
2002 NY I82542 - The tariff classification of flat-rolled steel from Germany.
2005 NY R01992 - The tariff classification of alloy steel strip from Japan.