Re: Q: From Header Line


era eriksson (
Sun, 31 May 1998 14:19:33 +0300 (EET DST)

On Sat, 30 May 1998 19:10:39 +0200, Micha Matschke
<> wrote:
> PS: Nevertheless if someone knows the answer to the
> "from: header line question" I'd still be
> interested.

Lest you get confused by all the techno-babble your question resulted
in, the simple answer is that your news client basically did the right
thing, and anyhow it shouldn't matter. (Perhaps the instructions
should be changed, though.)

If you really want to know, try sending your FAQ with the other form
of From: field to the FAQ verifier and see if it complains.

There are actually three address formats in common use on the Internet
today; the last of these three is the preferred one:

From: (era eriksson)
From: era eriksson <>

The standard which defines the mail protocol, RFC821, actually allows
for very strange forms, such as

From: (uh-oh, hang on, database lookup in progress) era
(short eh as in less, short r as in Spanish para, short uh as in duck)
@ iki (take a pause now, you are on a trip to the Eastern Hemisphere)
. fi (Finland)

There is a FAQ which explains some of the issues, although it's
primarily about other things, which (perhaps somewhat misleadingly)
goes under the name "Email Addressing FAQ". It's available from e.g.

Hope this helps,

/* era */

Oh, and if you have access to a Unix shell account, inews is probably
a better choice than actually telnetting to the NNTP server yourself.
And then you don't have to learn Pine either. inews < faq.txt

 Paparazzi of the Net: No matter what you do to protect your privacy,
  they'll hunt you down and spam you. <>

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