Re: Q: From Header Line


D. Kirkpatrick (
Sun, 31 May 98 14:55:12 -0400

>Please don't ask Pam to answer well documented questions. We
>need her for things that require manual intervention.
>An URL for Micha is
> Linkname: 2. More detail and special cases
> URL:
>see especially 2.7(A).
>You could have done that for Micha by spending a minute at

Hi Al -

No problem. My apologies.

I'm still quite the freshman at this myself as are many people who are
taking over FAQ files these days, who also do not have the tools
available, or Unix computer knowledge/access as was commonplace at one
time. A growing number of FAQ file people are maintaining them from their
family-oriented PC or Mac at home.


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