(no subject)


Bill East (eastb@concentric.net)
Sun, 31 May 1998 04:23:13 GMT

Apologies to all if this is obtrusive.. I tried to reply privately, but didn't
notice address munging until it was too late.

>How do you insert the Approved line in Pine? I use it here on this
>freenet, and I prefer using the Pine newsreader instead of tin. My FAQ
>just got approved, and I've been puzzling this out before the next
>scheduled posting. I'm going to check out the FAQ servers also
>recommended in the list, but if there's an easier way to do it, I'd like
>to know. :-)
Had to ask, didn't you. Hmnn...

(one short trip to the shell later...)

OK, you need to modify your .pinerc Actually what I've done is copied it to
.pinerc.faq, which I call with "pine -p .pinerc.faq" So when I'm doing normal
mail reading, newsgroup, etc, I don't have the extra gunk.

In the modified rc there's a section that says:
# Add these customized headers (and possible default values) when composing

I've added:
customized-hdrs=URL: http://www.concentric.net/~Eastb/herps/faqindex.html,
Archive-name: pets/herp-faq,
Posting-frequency: monthly,
Followup-to: rec.pets.herp,
Approved: (well, you know)
Newsgroups: rec.pets.herp news.answers rec.answers

Seems to work pretty well.



Bill East                       : http://www.concentric.net/~eastb/
      eastb@concentric.net      : Protect your privacy -
        PGP public key available at all keyservers
             "No I haven't seen your skateboard"

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