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FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 1/2 [monthly]
Section - 3. Qu'est-ce que le reseau Teletel ? What is the Teletel network?

( Part1 - Part2 - Single Page )
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Top Document: FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 1/2 [monthly]
Previous Document: 2. A quels reseaux puis-je me connecter avec un Minitel ? What networks can I connect to with a Minitel?
Next Document: 4. Comment appeler des services Teletel de l'etranger ? How to call Teletel services from foreign countries?
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Le reseau Teletel est un reseau qui | The Teletel network is a network which
permet d'acceder a des milliers de  | allows to access thousands of Videotex
services Videotex.                  | services.
Le reseau Teletel s'appuie sur le   | Teletel used the french public X.25
reseau de transmission par paquets  | network: Transpac.
X.25 public Francais: Transpac.     | Many access points are available within
De nombreux points d'acces a ce     | the country (PAVI: Videotex Access Point)
reseau (PAVI: Point d'acces         | and allow to enter this network.
videotex) sont disponibles sur le   |
territoire national.                |
Une des grandes particularites du   | One particularity of Teletel is that the
reseau Teletel est que l'appelant   | caller gets billed based on the duration
est facture a la duree, ceci inde-  | of the call, regardless of the distance
pendemment de la distance qui le    | between the caller and the server.
separe du serveur appele.           |

La plupart des services Teletel sont| Most of the Teletel services can be
accessibles par un numero de tele-  | called with a 4 digits phone number.
phone a 4 chiffres. Voici une des-  | Here after a description of the major
cription des principaux acces:      | accesses to Teletel:

Number     Name                 Cost/mn     Cost/connection (FRF) (930605)
  11       Annuaire               0.36 (+)
3605xxxx   Teletel                0.00
3613       Teletel                0.13 (*)
3614       Teletel                0.36 (*)        0.12
3615       Teletel           0.84/0.99 (!)        0.12
3616       Teletel                0.99            0.12
3617       Teletel                2.19            0.12
3619       Teletel Int'l     0.84-9.06            0.36

(+)  3 premieres minutes gratuites.
     3 first minutes free.

(*)  Memes tarifs reduits que le telephone.
     Same reduced rates as the phone.

(!)  Ceci est l'information indiquee par FT sur la page d'accueil, elle est
     fausse: le palier 1.27 existe toujours.
     This information is indicated on the welcome page, but its wrong.
     The 1.27 F rate still exists on the 3615.

Il existe d'autres services Teletel | There are other Teletel access points
accessibles directement par un num- | (8 digits phone number) with generally
ero a 8 chiffres et dont la tarifi- | very very high rates.
cation peut etre tres elevee.       |
Les services 3613, 14 et 15 etaient | The 3613, 14 and 15 were known under the
connus sous le nom de Teletel 1, 2  | names Teletel 1, 2 and 3 ("kiosque").
et 3 (ou kiosque). Ces noms ne sont | These names are no longer used by
plus utilises par France Telecom.   | France Telecom.

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