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FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 1/2 [monthly]
Section - 2. A quels reseaux puis-je me connecter avec un Minitel ? What networks can I connect to with a Minitel?

( Part1 - Part2 - Single Page )
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Top Document: FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 1/2 [monthly]
Previous Document: 1. Qu'est-ce que le Minitel ? What is the Minitel?
Next Document: 3. Qu'est-ce que le reseau Teletel ? What is the Teletel network?
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En pratique il est possible de se   | It is possible to linkup to any
connecter a tout service qui repond | service which has a V.23 answering
en V.23 (la norme du modem du       | modem (the Minitel's modem standard)
Minitel).                           | in the world.
En France, de nombreux services sont| In France, many services are accessible
accessibles par l'intermediaire du  | thru the Teletel network (described in
reseau Teletel, decrit question sui-| the next question).  Some services are
vante. Il existe egalement des ser- | also accessible directly using the
veurs accessibles directement par le| standard phone network.
reseau commute.                     |

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Top Document: FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 1/2 [monthly]
Previous Document: 1. Qu'est-ce que le Minitel ? What is the Minitel?
Next Document: 3. Qu'est-ce que le reseau Teletel ? What is the Teletel network?

Part1 - Part2 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM