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FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 1/2 [monthly]
Section - 4. Comment appeler des services Teletel de l'etranger ? How to call Teletel services from foreign countries?

( Part1 - Part2 - Single Page )
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Top Document: FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 1/2 [monthly]
Previous Document: 3. Qu'est-ce que le reseau Teletel ? What is the Teletel network?
Next Document: 5. L'annuaire electronique The electronic directory
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Les informations ci-dessous n'ont   | The above informations have not been
pas ete mises a jour depuis bien    | update since a while.  If someone has
longtemps. Si quelqu'un en avait    | more recent informations, I'd be
des plus fraiches, je suis preneur. | happy to include them here.


Les informations ci-dessous ont ete | Following information has been
recuperees sur le "3615 INTER" qui  | retrieved from the "3615 INTER" which
est un service fourni par "Intel-   | is run by "Intelmatique".
matique".                           |
Le reseau Teletel est accessible    | The Teletel network is accessible from
depuis de tres nombreux pays etran- | many foreign countries.  If I get a
gers. Si j'obtiens un document pap- | paper document, I'll add all the details
ier je mettrais les details pour les| in this FAQ.
differents pays.                    |

                Intelmatique (Groupe France Telecom)
                175 rue Chevaleret
                75646 Paris Cedex 13
                Tel. +33 1 40 77 68 40
                Fax. +33 1 45 82 21 16
                Tlx. 2203185F


En plus des acces geres par Intel-  | Apart from the accesses available
matique, il est possible d'appeler  | upon subscribtion at Intelmatique,
certains services Teletel depuis    | some services may be accessed
l'etranger. La communication est    | directly from foreign countries.
facturee au prix d'une communication| The call is billed at the normal
normale de l'etranger vers la Fran- | international call to France rate.
ce.                                 |

3613 --> +33 36 43 13 13
3614 --> +33 36 43 14 14
3615 --> +33 36 43 15 15   paliers t32 (0.84 F/mn) et t34 (0.99 F/mn)


To obtain information about how to connect to Minitel services from the
USA, contact:
                 Minitel Services Company (MSC)
                 888 Seventh Avenue 28th Floor
                 New-York, NY 10106
                 Tel. +1 212 399-0080
                 Fax. +1 212 399-0129

Minitel Services (a New York) a aussi un numero de telephone gratuit:

Une autre section de ce document    | Another section of this document
indique comment recuperer quelques  | indicates how to retrieve some
outils d'emulation Videotex sur     | Videotex emulation software for
differents systemes.                | several operating systems.

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Top Document: FAQ: soc.culture.french - Networking 1/2 [monthly]
Previous Document: 3. Qu'est-ce que le reseau Teletel ? What is the Teletel network?
Next Document: 5. L'annuaire electronique The electronic directory

Part1 - Part2 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM