United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
2008.99.28 - 2105.00.25
> 2009.19.45
Previous Tariff (2009.19.25 - Orange juice,nt concentrated & nt made from a juice of 1.5 or more degree concentration,not frozen,unfermented & not containing added spirit)
Next Tariff (2009.20.20 - Grapefruit juice, not frozen, not concentrated, and not made from a juice of 1.5 or more degree of concentration)
HTS Number:
Orange juice, not frozen, concentrated, or not concentrated
MFN Duty Rate:
7.85 cents/liter
Previous Tariff (2009.19.25 - Orange juice,nt concentrated & nt made from a juice of 1.5 or more degree concentration,not frozen,unfermented & not containing added spirit)
Next Tariff (2009.20.20 - Grapefruit juice, not frozen, not concentrated, and not made from a juice of 1.5 or more degree of concentration)
Related Rulings:
1994 NY 889645 - The tariff classification of various granola bars, orange juice and apple juice from Canada.
1997 NY 889645 - The tariff classification of various granola bars, orange juice and apple juice from Canada.
1998 NY 889645 - The tariff classification of various granola bars, orange juice and apple juice from Canada.
2001 HQ 228565 - Application for further review of protest no. 3004-99-100087; extension of time for liquidation; deemed liquidation; 19 U.S.C. 1504