
Legumes 2140
Photo by: Profotokris

Legumes are the edible seeds of plants. They provide a good source of protein , thiamine, folic acid, vitamin E, and fiber . The insoluble fiber in legumes helps to lower blood cholesterol . Examples of legumes are: dried beans, peas, and seeds (including navy, broad, butter, northern, pinto, red, and black beans, as well as chick peas, soybeans, and peanuts).

Legumes are an important source of protein for vegetarians, especially vegans . The protein in legumes is considered incomplete, however, and needs to be eaten in combination with whole grains to make a complete (high-quality) protein (e.g., green beans, lentils, and rice; navy beans and barley; soybeans and sesame seeds; red beans and rice). Such combinations

Legumes include many varieties of beans, including the popular green bean shown here. Legumes provide more fiber per serving than any other vegetable, and also provide plenty of protein. [JLM Visuals. Reproduced with permission.]
Legumes include many varieties of beans, including the popular green bean shown here. Legumes provide more fiber per serving than any other vegetable, and also provide plenty of protein.
[JLM Visuals. Reproduced with permission.]
have been used for centuries in the diets of people practicing vegetarianism.

SEE ALSO Plant-Based Diets ; Soy ; Vegetarianism .

Simin B. Vaghefi

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User Contributions:

Please I need 40 examples each of legumes, cereals and horticultural crops.

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