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SGI inventor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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    SGI inventor Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This is one of the Silicon Graphics FAQ series, which consists of:

    SGI admin FAQ - IRIX system administration
    SGI apps FAQ - Applications and miscellaneous programming
    SGI audio FAQ - Audio applications and programming
    SGI diffs FAQ - Changes to the other FAQs since the last posting
    SGI graphics FAQ - Graphics and user environment customization
    SGI hardware FAQ - Hardware
    SGI impressario FAQ - IRIS Impressario
    SGI inventor FAQ - IRIS Inventor
    SGI misc FAQ - Introduction & miscellaneous information
    SGI movie FAQ - Movies
    SGI performer FAQ - IRIS Performer
    SGI pointer FAQ - Pointer to the other FAQs
    SGI security FAQ - IRIX security

Read the misc FAQ for information about the FAQs themselves. Each FAQ is
posted to comp.sys.sgi.misc and to the  and 
newsgroups (whose purpose is to store FAQs) twice per month. If you
can't find one of the FAQs with your news program, you can get it from

( is home to many other FAQs and informational documents,
and is a good place to look if you can't find an answer here.) The FAQs
are on the World Wide Web at

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command 'send usenet/news.answers/sgi/faq/misc' to get the SGI misc FAQ,
and similarly for the other FAQs. Send the command 'send
usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email' to get the
"Accessing the Internet by E-Mail FAQ".

You may distribute the SGI FAQs freely and we encourage you to do so.
However, you must keep them intact, including headers and this notice,
and you must not charge for or profit from them. Contact us for other
arrangements. We can't be responsible for copies of the SGI FAQs at
sites which we do not control, and copies published on paper or CD-ROM
are certain to be out of date. The contents are accurate as far as we
know, but the usual disclaimers apply. Send additions and changes to

Topics covered in this FAQ:
   -2- What is Open Inventor?
   -3- What is IRIS Inventor?
   -4- Is Inventor a format for 3D data?
   -5- Can I use Inventor to create 3D objects?
   -6- Is Inventor a user interface toolkit?
   -7- Is there a performance cost using a software layer on top of GL?
   -8- Does Inventor require C++?
   -9- Does Inventor work with the GNU C++ compiler?
  -10- Does Inventor have a Fortran or Ada API?
  -11- Where can I get detailed, technical information on Inventor?
  -12- How can I order Inventor software and/or documentation?
  -13- How can I learn Inventor Programming?
  -15- What version of Open Inventor runs on which version of IRIX?
  -16- What Silicon Graphics platforms support Open Inventor?
  -17- What are the new features in Open Inventor 2.1?
  -18- How hard is it to port from IRIS Inventor to Open Inventor?
  -19- How hard is it to port from Open Inventor 2.0.1 to Open Inventor
  -20- How can I make my Open Inventor application faster?
  -21- When I compile my Inventor program, I get an error in
  -23- What version of IRIS Inventor runs on which version of IRIX?
  -24- Will I be automatically upgraded to Open Inventor if I have IRIS
  -25- Will my IRIS Inventor programs stop working if I install Open
  -26- Can I develop Open and IRIS Inventor programs on the same system?
  -27- Prerequisite error installing Inventor 1.1.2
  -28- Why do I get errors compiling the Inventor sample programs?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM