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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Observance, Marriage, Women in Judaism (4/12)
Section - Question 6.4: I'm going to be in (insert city here). How do I find the kosher restaurants?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Observance, Marriage, Women in Judaism (4/12)
Previous Document: Question 6.3: There are a wide variety of kosher symbols. How do I learn who's behind them?
Next Document: Question 6.5: Do I need to have a kosher kitchen and kosher home to keep kosher?
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                                  Answer: maintains a [5]database of restaurants in various cities
   that are kosher. This database may be found at
   [6] The interface provides an easy to
   use search service for the database. There is also a link to a service
   that allows you to download the database to your Palm Pilot. Email
   inquiries on the database may be sent to the Shamash Kosher Restaurant
   Team at [7]
   Another possibility is KosherNIC Restaurant Index, at
   [8] This is a searchable database of kosher
   restaurants around the world. It provides reviews, ratings, maps and
   driving directions. It is fully searchable by location, KEYWORD,
   Hashgacha, cuisine, etc.
   Some other ideas:
     * Call the hotel. Most large hotels, especially the chains, have
       provisions for providing Kosher food, given adequate notice. The
       hotel can tell you what it can provide. It can also provide the
       name of the Mashgiach (kashruth supervisor).
     * If the conference hotel cannot provide the services you require,
       then call another large chain hotel.
     * All hotels have the names of nearby houses of worship--and
       sometimes ones in other parts of town. A call to the hotel will
       always elicit this information, and a call to the congregation may
       get information not obtainable directly from the hotel. This might
       include contacts for minyons that have no shul, but which are
       within easier walking distance of the Hotel. This is also a
       possible source of recommendations for hotels with Kosher catering
       facilities, should the conference hotel not have any. It can also
       be as source of information on the reliability of the Mashgiach,
       if you require this information.

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