To I 8
Your Homoh March and our Memoh March.
I aia sorry that there was some confusion about last week's consignment of Our records show the oituetion to be ae followsi
h March the following tins were sont to youi
this, the following were reoeived here onlyh March, and unfortunately no coveringyou was written oonoerning them.
A ie being sent to you to-day (see my Memo,
I think this explaino everything except for the following two pointsi
(a) A. Inf your Memoou say that you did not receive these. Aooording to our reoords, these were sent to youh March.
No. lis.
<b) A. Tho bo four tins are MUg "sent to you to-day (see my Memo, Inf your Homoou aayA vara not sent to you (which la correot) but that you hadA. annotthia latter atatement, ae all theae four tlna did not arrive in Stockholmh March and were not packed up for you until to-day.
I am sorry that this is all so complicated,ope this letter has helped to clear the matter up. Perhaps you would let me know abouta) andbove?
With regard tof your Memo.
As long. number their Creep operations ln thishink it would be better, from the point of view of our records hers, if we wsre to oontinue to refer to ths items by their individual numbers.
Original document.
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