SUBJECTi psniOD Me.lea.
1. an naked to Infiltrate operation PWWOD Into the Bitoha area. After coneul tatlon with Lt Col, ofth Division, It va* decided that the sootor held byth Inf Regt offered the greaton! possibility of success. Aa officer ofaotlon was sen* to thaa tall Ion conmaadera with order* to thai* to give all poaalbla asslatanco to the mission. th Ragt* vera alao alerted ao that wherever the agent returned, he would be expected and expedited to us Immediately.
Onersonal reconnlasanca of the areas held fay therdha being ln reserve, and decided that the sector held by the 3rd Bn offered the shortest and safest routs to Bitch*. Detailed study of knows minefield* and patrol report* with Kegtl ande showed that there war* two routea,da of each other where. In tha petroling of tha past three days, no aines were encountered aor enemy contact aade. The operation was then laid oa. tenatively0 the followingar ). The plan being to leaveombat patrol, accompany themda from the creetill considerably behind the enemy llnaa, which dropped directly Into Bltobe. At the polat of departure the patrol waa to continue to the right sad try to contact tha enemy toiversion. ia to accompany the agent to tha creet of tha hill or raaeln with the patrol, na the aituatlon warranted, from the creat of the hill Into Bltche thereovered route of approach that wan Impossible to mis*. eported thia plan to Lt slllard and Lt Hoguet, both of whoa were aatlafled with It.
3. Onado aa aerial recoaalasance behind tha enemy llaea In anobaervotioo plane. This convlnoed me that tho roata ohnaen wa* the eafeet ana offered the least ohanca of becoming lost. 0 Lt Hoguet anil tho agent arrived at Div for detailed briefing and atudy of tho aerial photographe.ant ezpreanod bla approval of the plan and the general region chosen for tha Infiltration. However, he had made up Me mind to go ln the daytime and rely on hi* cover atory to aave him if caught. Lt Hoguetried to dls-duade him but he lnalsted. Ve then laid on another plan0 tha folloilag, and returned to Station P. Vlth thla plan lt was necasaary that ha pas* the OPLH alone as if he had Infiltrated through our line* without being seen. Thla waa dins0alf aa hoar latsr be was seen stU1 walking unnoleeted at the last point where we could observe hla. "awl ted another thre* quartera of an hour and aa no fire or explosionhe*rd we
returned to bane.
4. Oneturned to the Bn to wait for Ma or hie courier. The randerroua havlnc bean given for the afternoon ofhh March. did not return onh and as tha attack vat to start tha
ith the Bn to go into Ultche to find out If he was safe. Bltoha fellhas able to find by guarded Interrogation of
caught by the
geetapo for-fcaviag passed through tha lines and had been taken awaywhsn they escaped froa Bitch*. Hot wanting to involve theaore detailedeported this to Major Ventvnrth andtook up the Investigation fron thla point.
J. fl. PATmSOS, latAT. Conducting Officer.
Major Crosby
Original document.
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