Manual lymphatic drainage

This self-massage is based on manual lymphatic drainage techniques which help to purify the blood and assist its circulation. The massage also tones and shapes the legs.

Manual lymphatic drainage

+ The lymphatic system is like the blood circulation, the lymph ducts branch throughout the body like the arteries and veins that carry the blood. Except that the lymphatic system carries a colorless liquid called “lymph”. The lymphatic system performs essential functions including draining fluid back into the bloodstream from the tissues, filtering and purifying lymph and fighting infections. Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is an advanced therapy in which the practitioner uses a range of specialized and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move excess fluid and increase the lymph flow. This helps to relieve edema or swollen areas. These massages help to stimulate the effects of lymphatic drainage from the legs. The massages should be gentle, using delicate movements, because excess pressure can cause injuries to the vessels and aggravate your condition.


  1. • Supports the lymphatic, circulatory and immune systems.
  2. • Helps the body maintain a healthy network of internal vessels.
  3. • Helps remove cellular waste from the body.
  4. • Helps you to relax.
  5. • Helps to soothe swelling.
  6. • Limits cellulitis.

1. Sit down on the floor or on the bed with your legs stretched out. Start with your left foot. Wrap your hands around your toes; your thumbs should meet on the top of your foot and your other fingers should be on the sole of your foot.

Sit down on the floor or on the bed with your legs stretched out

2. Use gentle pressure with your fingers, from your toes to your ankle.

Use gentle pressure with your fingers

3. Next, without breaking skin contact, work up your calf.

Next, without breaking skin contact, work up your calf

4. When you get to your knee, you can bend your leg to be more comfortable to continue working on your inner thigh. Next, continue the massage on your other leg. You can repeat this massage three times.

When you get to your knee, you can bend your leg to be more comfortable to continue working on your inner thigh

User Contributions:

Hi, I like the technique but perhaps mention should be made of clearing the nodes at the top of the thigh/groin & working from the thigh down to foot, rather than foot to thigh. That is, prepare the area you wish to encourage the flow of lymph towards and draw fluid up. Imagine you are opening a door to the lymph nodes and then working backwards into the room to get the flow out the door.

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