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Win95 FAQ Part 2 of 14: Re/Un/Installation
Section - 2.4. I'm having problems with...

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Top Document: Win95 FAQ Part 2 of 14: Re/Un/Installation
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     * 2.4.1. ...rebooting after first part of setup 
   On systems with bizarre DOS configurations, you may get a "Windows
   protection error", or "This VxD conflicts with another driver already
   loaded". This is because a DOS driver loaded before loaded,
   and a corresponding protected mode driver can't load.
   To avoid this, just when the computer reboots for part two of setup,
   press F8 when you see Starting Windows 95... then select Safe mode
   command prompt only. From here, delete or rename your config.sys and
   autoexec.bat files. Then re-boot and proceed with part two normally.
   You may get this error if you use an unrecognized CD-ROM driver
   (Usually the case for IDE CD-ROMs attached to PCI IDE adapters), or if
   you use a DOS network driver and a Win95 net card driver tries to
   load. The above technique will work around both these cases.
   If you have to do this, you won't be able to configure a printer or
   copy any other drivers until you finish Setup. No matter; if it asks
   you for Win95 files, just cancel, and wait until Setup finishes.
     * 2.4.2. ...reading disk 2 
   The disks come in MS's new "DMF" format, which holds nearly 2 MB on a
   1.44 MB disk. The first disk is a standard 1.44 MB disk, and Setup
   loads a driver to read the DMF disks.
   A DMF disk can get destroyed by a boot record virus, because the virus
   over-writes the DMF boot record. As a precaution, write-protect the
   floppies before using them. For some really dumb reason, Microsoft
   insisted on shipping the disks write-enabled.
   Setup will also try to write your registration info on disk 2. If you
   have the disk write protected, you can just hit "Continue" and Setup
   will continue without writing to the disk. For details, read KB
   article Q136111.
     * 2.4.3. ..."Safe" recovery 
   If you re-run Setup on a bad installation of Win95, you will get a
   prompt to use "Safe Recovery". This will let you either Undo the
   install, or Redo the install using safer detection techniques. My
   suggestion is to Undo the install, then use the technique above,
   regarding Rebooting after first part of setup. Also, try
   installing on a target drive with no DOS startup files (config.sys).
     * 2.4.4. ...part two of setup. I can't read drivers from CD-ROM 
   This means Setup didn't load protected mode CD-ROM drivers for your
   drive, which happens for many reasons. This will only affect your
   ability to add printer drivers and setting up MS Exchange, both of
   which you can skip and do later.
   You should make sure, after finishing Setup, you bug the CD-ROM
   manufacturer for a Win95 driver. Also check the section on SCSI
   and IDE CD-ROM support.
   PCI IDE or PCI SCSI adapters won't kick in until the second re-boot,
   so such CD-ROMs won't work until then. Just let it finish and it will
   Later on, if you have to use real mode CD-ROM or net card drivers, you
   can add printers and set up Exchange once you can use the CD-ROM or
   network again.
     * 2.4.5. ...part two of setup. I can't read drivers from the network
   If you installed network support but you didn't get a network log in
   at the start of part two (so you can access the file server), this
   means the Win95 network support didn't install correctly. As per the
   CD-ROM install, you can skip the Exchange and Printer setup until you
   get the protected mode network support working.
   PCI net cards won't operate at all until the second re-boot, when the
   PCI Bus driver kicks in. Just let it finish and your net card will
   work on the second re-boot. ISA PnP cards react the same way.
   This could also mean you skipped network support to begin with, or it
   could not load a network card driver. Again, you can skip the Exchange
   and Printer setup until you correct this.
   NOTE: There is a way to work around this minor problem; use a real
   mode network client (Either netx, vlm, or Workgroup Connection for
   DOS) to run Setup from, and tell it to use your Existing ODI or NDIS 2
   driver. This is the default net card choice if you install from a
   server-based copy. The second time it re-boots it will read your real
   mode driver and add the components needed to make it work with 32-bit
   network software. Finally, after you log in to the server to continue
   Setup, it will detect your net card and replace the ODI or NDIS 2
   support with the appropriate Win95 support.
   This method of loading network support for PCI and ISA PnP cards can
   produce some unusual side effects. For example, if you booted from a
   floppy disk to get on the network, Part 2 of Setup will try to read
   the NDIS 2 or ODI driver from the floppy disk! If this occurs you will
   get a "General failure reading Drive A:" error message. When you do,
   re-insert that disk and hit "Retry" so Setup will continue.
   Another side effect is Win95 shutting down in the middle of a driver
   file copy! To prevent this, make sure you erase this line in
   msbatch.inf on the Server copy:


   This line immediately re-boots the computer after the end of all the
   Setup Part 2 stuff. If you remove it, Setup will prompt you to
   re-start the computer when it's all finished. You should wait until
   Win95 detects and installs all other hardware before you press "OK" on
   this requester. If Win95 asks you to re-start the computer at any
   other time, tell it NO.

User Contributions:


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Best Regards
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Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
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My all proton working save normally
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Thank you
Md Abdul slim talukder
Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:14 pm
My name is Abdul Alim Talukder
City. Belkuchi
Districts. Sirajgonj
Countries in Bangladesh
My all protocol working save normally
And rfcs link workings locks and blocking

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Top Document: Win95 FAQ Part 2 of 14: Re/Un/Installation
Previous Document: 2.3. How do I install Windows 95 from...
Next Document: 2.5. Can I install two separate copies of Win95?

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