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Win95 FAQ Part 2 of 14: Re/Un/Installation
Section - 2.3. How do I install Windows 95 from...

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     * 2.3.1. ...floppies? 
   For basic systems, and notebooks, this is the best source to install
   from. Setup will detect all hardware it can, and add protected mode
   support for it. It does take a while to sit and flip disks, but you
   will have a clean installation afterwards. This also gives you a good
   excuse to delete or hide your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT before
   running Setup.
   First, boot to DOS, then run Setup on disk 1. If you don't already
   have DOS on the computer, boot using any DOS disk and prepare the hard
   drive for a normal DOS installation. The Stand-alone version of Win95
   will have a boot disk for this purpose.
     * 2.3.2. ...CD-ROM drive? (Harder than you think) 
   You need a real mode CD-ROM driver in place to run Setup initially. My
   favorite method is to prepare a boot disk (or use the boot disk from
   the non-upgrade version) which loads the CD-ROM drivers, then runs
   Setup from the CD-ROM.) This way there's no chance of Setup arguing
   with a CONFIG.SYS file on the target drive.
   A boot disk only needs these entries in CONFIG.SYS:

DEVICE=(your CD-ROM driver) /D:MSCD001 (and whatever parameters it needs)

   And these lines in AUTOEXEC.BAT:

MSCDEX /D:MSCD001 /M:4 (and whatever preferences you have)
SMARTDRV 2048 2048

   I suggest including smartdrv to speed up the first part of
   installation. Include smartdrv after mscdex so it can cache the CD-ROM
     * 2.3.3. server? ("Standard" shared install) 
   Server based installs work like they did back in Win 3.1, but you need
   to run a different setup program, netsetup, to install the server
   copy. netsetup comes on the upgrade CD-ROM version in
   NOTE: netsetup does not come with the floppies or OEM CD-ROM. And you
   can't get it from Microsoft's web site, either. You can get it from
   the Win95 Resource Kit if you don't have it.
   Perhaps the two best advantages of using netsetup to make a server
   based install, are 1: you can do shared installs, saving local hard
   drive space, and 2: you can apply service packs and other components
   to server installs, which will take effect for server based, and local
   installs. Service Pack 1 Admin Edition includes a utility to apply
   the service pack to a server based install.
   To use netsetup:
    1. Install Win95 on one computer as a stand-alone, and install
       network support for it so you can write to the server drives.
    2. Run netsetup from the CD-ROM disk. It will list several tasks you
       must do to complete the server install.
    3. Do the first task: specify the target server and directory you
       will install the admin copy to.
    4. Do the second task: specify the source drive (usually the CD-ROM)
       and install. It will perform three passes of installs; one for
       stand-alone installs, one for shared installs, and one for the
       initial setup files.
    5. (optional) Write an installation script. The script editor is
       rather simple; you use the option menus to turn options on and
       off, to specify what network components to load, and settings for
    6. Done. Go to a workstation and run setup from the server to test
       the install, and any install script you wrote.
   One dumb thing about netsetup is you have to run it from Windows 95,
   which means you have to install Win95 once, then run it on that
   station. It will run in Windows 3.1, but you won't be able to create
   an installation script until you run it from Win95.
   NOTE: Installing the OEM CD-ROM version to a server using netsetup
   does not entirely work! The OEM version includes the MS Internet
   Explorer from Plus, and the PRECOPY.CAB files contain references to
   those components. Netsetup will not attempt to install those, which is
   why MS didn't bother including it with the OEM version. You could find
   out what files it looks for and manually insert them, but that's a bit
   of a pain. You'll just have to shell out the $250.00 for the
   non-upgrade, non-OEM, Win95 CD-ROM. Installing the upgrade version
   works, but it will ask you for Win 3.1 evidence before it will
     * 2.3.4. server? ("Copy the cabs to a server" quick
   You can install Win95 using its cabinet files from any location, even
   a network share. This method will not allow for shared installations
   of diskless installations, but it does let you quickly re-install a
   dead machine and it takes a lot less server disk space. The same
   automation tools (batch.exe) also work, but you can't add components
   to a "cab" installation (using infinst.exe) and automatically install
   them along with the rest of Win95.
   These steps are very simple; copy the Win95 CD's \WIN95 directory to a
   network share, and install your workstations from it. You can create a
   msbatch.inf using batch.exe or by hand, and copy it to the same
   directory as the cabinet files, to automate the installation, but
   you're restricted to components that come with Win95.
     * 2.3.5. How do I make Setup NOT install things like MSIE, MSN, etc?
   Quick background... OEM releases of Win95 include some built in
   components, such as Internet Explorer, Internet Mail and News, MSN,
   the "Online services", and such. These components are not optional on
   OEM releases by design. There are legal processes in motion forcing
   Microsoft to stop this practice, but in the meantime you can use these
   techniques to skip installing them. Such uses for unbundling may be
   network installations, troubleshooting Internet setups, preventing,
   "This may affect Registered Programs" from appearing for no apparent
   reason, and the like. The CompuClinic folks are credited for
   assistance here (
   Legal Stuff: Until such time that OEMs may unbundle these components,
   I intended these steps only be used by private users or network admins
   who use Win95 internally. OEMs and resellers attempting to use these
   techniques might face legal action from MS for violating their license
   agreements. Check to see if you're allowed to do this before doing so.
   ...with that out of the way...

    1. Copy your Win95 CD's \WIN95 directory to a convenient place on
       your hard drive or network server. You'll need as much as 50 MB of
       disk space. Users with a pre-installed Win95 will find an
       installable copy already on their hard drive in
       \WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS ready for editing; you should move this
       directory somewere else if you plan on erasing your previous Win95
    2. From a DOS prompt, change to that directory and use extract to
       extract setruppp.inf from there. Use the command line "extract
       setuppp.inf" NOTE: Strangely enough, you need to boot
       from a hard drive before you use the extract utility; it kept
       telling me "disk write protected" when it tried to write the file
       if I booted from a floppy drive!
    3. Edit setuppp.inf to taste using the information below.
    4. Edit layout.inf (In the same directory) so that the line
       containing setuppp.inf reads: setuppp.inf=0,,xxxx (xxxx represents
       the resulting size of setuppp.inf after your edits, and the Zero
       indicates to Setup to use the existing copy instead of extracting
       it from a cabinet file). Also comment-out or remove any .INF
       entries you commented out or removed in setuppp.inf.
    5. Run Setup normally to install your cleaned-up version.
   These components and coresponding setuppp.inf entries are
   "Non-optional" in OEM releases and are candidates for removal:

OHARE.INF         Internet Explorer (All OEM releases)
MOS.INF           The Microsoft Network (All releases, including the "Setup the
                  Microsoft Network" pieces)
ATHENA.INF        Internet Mail and News (OSR2 and 2.1)
INETMAIL.INF      Internet Mail add-on for Windows Messaging (OSR2 and 2.1)
MSINFO.INF        The "Online Services" installables (OSR2 and 2.1)
QUARTZ.INF        ActiveMovie (OSR2 and 2.1)

   My own experience with this editing suggests you keep ActiveMovie
   however, as it replaces many commented-out components in the original
   Media Player which will be unusable otherwise.
   Each of these components, with the exception of The Microsoft Network,
   are available on your Win95 CD-ROM in the \OTHER directory. Newer
   versions of MSN are available from PC dealers, cereal boxes (I'm not
   kidding!), etc for free.
   The OSR2 FAQ contains other edits you might want to perform, to allow
   you to install OEM releases on machines that already have an OS, or to
   manipulate setup further. In addition, you can perform network
   installations of Win95 with this modified kit. Use batch.exe to build
   a customized msbatch.inf file; see the Network Server installation
   steps above.

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