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Subject: RSI-UK Mailing List FAQ
Section - 11. What is RSI-UK

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Top Document: Subject: RSI-UK Mailing List FAQ
Previous Document: 10. What support is available in the UK?
Next Document: 12. Where can I find information about RSI on the Web?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
RSI-UK is a mailing list for the discussion of RSI from a UK perspective.
The list is primarily intended for use by people living in the UK who
either have RSI problems themselves, or are caring for someone with RSI,
or are concerned that they may be developing RSI.

Q11.1. What topics are discussed on RSI-UK?

Treatment; pain relief; social security benefits; legal aspects; coping
techniques; adaptive equipment (such as ergonomic keyboards, pointing
devices, voice recognition packages, break-reminder software, and
workstation furniture); pacing techniques; and other RSI-related subjects.
The list is non-commercial, and advertising is not allowed.

Q11.2. Who subscribes to RSI-UK?

Mostly, people who suffer from RSI.  Others with an interest in the subject,
such as healthcare professionals, ergonomists, safety officers, lawyers,
etc., are also welcome to subscribe; however, the primary focus of the
list is the exchange of practical information and sharing of support
between people who suffer from RSI.

Most RSI-UK subscribers have RSI as a result of keyboard use, but the
list is for everyone who suffers from RSI, from whatever cause.

Q11.3.  How do I join RSI-UK?

To join, send email to, with the command

	join yourname@yourdomain

You should soon receive a confirmation request.  If you reply confirming that you do wish to join the list, your address will then be added to the list of members; you will begin to receive the messages that other subscribers post to the list, and will be able to post to the list yourself.

You can also join by sending an empty email message to

Or you can join from the web page (

A few tips about posting:

     *  Don't post attachments of any kind.  Attachments can be hassly
        to deal with, and no one with RSI needs any more hassle than
        they've already got.

     *  Don't post in HTML, for the same reason.

     *  When you first post to the list, give as much information as
        you can about your condition.  Tell us how you got it, how long
        you've had it, what you've tried already.  Tell us exactly where
        it hurts, whether it hurts all the time, whether it hurts at night,
        whether it goes away when you stop work, how long it takes for it
        to start again when you resume.

     *  Bear in mind that everything posted to RSI-UK will be archived
        (, and this archive is open
        to anyone to read.  If you're in the middle of delicate
        negotiations with your employer, it's probably wiser not to
        discuss it on RSI-UK until it's all settled.

     *  Don't forget to mention any techniques, equipment, treatments
        or exercises you've found that have been helpful to you.
        Someone else might benefit from your experience.

The RSI-UK mailing list is kindly hosted by Loud-n-Clear Ltd.

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: Subject: RSI-UK Mailing List FAQ
Previous Document: 10. What support is available in the UK?
Next Document: 12. Where can I find information about RSI on the Web?

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Ellen Mizzell <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM