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Subject: RSI-UK Mailing List FAQ
Section - 10. What support is available in the UK?

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Top Document: Subject: RSI-UK Mailing List FAQ
Previous Document: 9. Is it psychological?
Next Document: 11. What is RSI-UK
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Q10.1. What benefits are available in the UK?

As a disabled person you may be entitled to several benefits:

     *  Industrial Accident
     *  Industrial Disease
     *  Incapacity
     *  Disability Living allowance

None of these are currently means tested, but do require a lot
of form filling. Some of the benefits only apply if you have certain
recognised conditions. As the rules for claiming them change all the
time contact your local benefit agency office for more details.

     *  Access to Work (DEA)

Access to Work is a scheme designed to help disabled people stay in work
or to get a job. It can help pay for the cost of additional equipment,
for example voice recognition software.  Your employer pays for the
equipment you need then applies for a refund for most of the cost.
To join the scheme get in contact with the Disability Employment Advisor
at your local job centre, near where you work.

Q10.2. What other support is available in the UK?

The Repetitive Strain Injury Association (RSIA)

The RSI Association provides information, support and advice to people with
Repetitive Strain Injuries. The Association also promotes better understanding
of the condition through research, publicity and campaigning.

Please do join the RSIA!

It currently has about 2000 members and publishes a quarterly newsletter. It
provides a telephone helpline Monday to Friday 11.30 am to 4.00 pm.

The RSIA can supply two information packs:

     *  A general information pack on RSI, containing details on: What is RSI,
	how to avoid it, what to do if you get it, book lists etc. for
	3.95 ukp including post and packing.

     *  A Display Screen Equipment information pack which contains information
        about display screen equipment legislation, RSI and health and safety
	law and includes a worksation self-assessment questionaire. It costs
	4.50 ukp including post and packing.

To contact the Association:

        RSI Association
        380-384 Harrow Rd.
        W9 2HU
        Tel. 0171 266 2000 (General enquires)
	Tel. 0800 018 5012 (Freephone helpline)

There are approximately 30 local support groups spread around the country.
Contact the RSIA for your nearest one. The RSIA also has a list of people
throughout the country who are willing to talk to other sufferers.

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Top Document: Subject: RSI-UK Mailing List FAQ
Previous Document: 9. Is it psychological?
Next Document: 11. What is RSI-UK

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Ellen Mizzell <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM