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Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 7/9
Section - [Marvel Comics] Star Trek: Starfleet Academy

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This series features Nog and his Starfleet Academy classmates.

01	Dec 96	Prime directives
Cadet Matt Decker does his best to get a good training assignment
but winds up on Omega squad with Nog of Ferenganar, Kamilah Goldstein,
Pava of Andor, and T'Priell of Vulcan. Nog fails to ingratiate himself
with his fellow cadets and a care package from his uncle Quark turns a
holodeck training scenario into a deadly encounter with the Gorn.
Groundskeeper Boothby ("The first duty" [TNG]) makes a cameo appearance.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning; Renaud, Lanning)

02	Jan 97	Liberty
On their first liberty from the Academy, the women of Omega squad
enjoy a barroom brawl and T'Priell tries to reconcile her Vulcan
training with her hidden Romulan heritage. Meanwhile, Nog snoops
through Decker's valuable comic book collection. Decker receives
an invitation to join a special training team called Red Squad.
Also contains Nog's letters of acceptance from Starfleet Academy.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning; Renaud, Lanning)

03	Feb 97	Loyalty test
Decker becomes a member of Red Squad and a peace conference between
the Federation and the Romulans is bombed ("Homefront" and "Paradise
Lost" [DS9]). Omega Squad feels that Decker has abandoned them. When
he learns that Red Squad must sabotage the power grid, he tries to
warn authrities, but is imprisoned. After the power outage, Omega
Squad must respond to the coup and rescue Decker.
(Chris Cooper; John Royle, Tom Wegrzyn; Royle, Toinay ?)

04	Mar 97	War and peace, 1
An alternative future where Klingons have overrun Federation space
may hinge on Omega Squad's first flight aboard a runabout. The cadets
are tracked by First Cadre, a Klingon cadet squadron. Commander Zund
is injured when the Klingons attack. Omega Squad tricks their opponents
into switching ships, but both vessels are forced down on a nearby
planet. Pava stands guard duty and encounters an old friend and perhaps
a new enemy.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning; Renaud, Lanning)

05	Apr 97	Love and death, 2
The Starfleet and Klingon cadets are marooned and hunting each
other. Complicating matters, Pava and Kovold, of the Klingon
squad, were once lovers. During a final confrontation, Kamilah
engages in single combat with Kovold, but fear and treachery
lead to unexpected death.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning; Renaud, Lanning)

06	May 97	Passages, 1
While Omega Squad grieves at the funeral of their fallen comrade,
a new superintendant takes command of the Academy and a new cadet
arrives, Edam Astrun, a Betazoid. Edam is a hothead, but learns the
value of teamwork. Nog has problems with Edam and is accused of
attempted murder.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning; ?)

07	Jun 97	Hide and Seek, 2
Security cameras record Nog's attempt to murder Edam, who is left
unconscious in the infirmary. Commander Zund and Omega Squad find
the circumstances puzzling and continue to investigate. They uncover
a shapeshifter but the threat remains.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning; ?)

08	Jul 97	X^2
Omega Squad is instructed to rendezvous with a prospecting ship to
pick up a young stowaway. They find the ship all but destroyed, and
a lone survivor, Charlie Evans ("Charlie X" [TOS]). The cadets
must work together to survive Charlie's terrifying powers. Meanwhile,
the Jem'Hadar are preparing to invade Talos IV ("The Cage" [TOS]).
(Chris Cooper; John Royle, Andy Lanning; Lanning, Toinay)

09	Aug 97	Return to the forbidden planet, 1
Spock arranges transport to Romulus to investigate rumors of a
special Tal Shiar spy. Meanwhile, Omega Squad heads for Talos IV
after Edam receives a telpathic plea for help. They find a battle
raging and join forces with Christopher Pike and the Talosians
aganist the Jem'Hadar, agents of the Dominion's plan to eradicate
all telepaths in the Federation. New cover format.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning; Renaud, Lanning)

10	Sep 97	A prelude to war, 2
The cadets and Pike manage to contain the Jem'Hadar locally, but must
go after their supply of White to defeat them. Pava volunteers
to penetrate the shielded White stockpile while the rest of the squad
waits in the runabout with transporter and phasers ready. Afterwards,
the cadets are arrested for violation of General Order 7 ("The
Menagerie" [TOS]).
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning; Renaud, Lanning)

11	Oct 97	Judgement
The cadets of Omega Squad go on trial and may face the death penalty.
Ambassador Spock represents the cadets before the court martial. To
illustrate his logic, Spock calls a witness to relate events which
took place years earlier, when Picard was a cadet. In spite of Spock's
efforts, the cadets are found guilty and their warnings about a
Dominion plot against the Federation's telpathic races is ignored.
Spock on cover with Omega Squad.
(Chris Cooper; John Royle, Tom Wegrzyn; Royle, Wegrzyn)

12	Nov 97	Telepathy War Part 1: Renegades
While Nog is shipped off to DS9, cadets and faculty protest the
sentencing of Omega Squad. Meanwhile, Yoshi plots to help his
classmates escape. With assistance from Boothby, the cadets
break out and steal a shuttle. The squad suspects Admiral Pradesh
is a shape-shifter. Omega Squad heads for DS9 with Romulans and
the Enterprise in pursuit. (see DS9 #12 for part 2)
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning; Renaud, Lanning)

13	Dec 97	Parent's day
Pradesh is reassigned. Exonerated after the incidents of the
Telepathy war, Omega Squad faces an even greater threat, their
parents. Chaos ensues and T'Priell may not be the person everyone
thinks she is.
(Chris Cooper; John Royle, Tom Wegrzyn; Royle, Wegrzyn)

14	Jan 98	T'Priell revealed: Betrayal, 1
T'Priell is revealed as a Romulan spy. One by one, the members of
Omega Squad are captured, incapacitated, and apparently killed.
On DS9, Nog doesn't believe anyone is dead and resolves to find
his classmates.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning;)

15	Feb 98	T'Priell revealed: Origins, 2
While Nog and Yoshi search for Omega Squad, their friends must
contend with raptor rats and other prisoners. They learn how
Selke became T'Priell and of the Tal Shiar's plans for her.
Managing to escape, Omega Squad discovers that Selke has been
experimenting on Edam.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning;)

16	Mar 98	T'Priell revealed: The fall, 3
Selke tries to reconcile the divided half of her mind which holds
T'Priell's katra. Omega Squad must fight their way out of captivity.
With help from the Romulan Reunification underground, they return
to Federation space with Selke/T'Priell, but T'Priell's body
remains in stasis on Romulus. Out of focus effect on background
of cover art.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning;)

17	Apr 98	Culture clash
Omega Squad takes a break on DS9 while Zund, Edam, and
Selke/T'Priell go to Vulcan for help. While Jake Sisko and his
father help Omega Squad with some interpersonal turmoil, a
Vulcan priestess fails to separate Selke and T'Priell, but a
violent battle rages in the young woman's mind. Edan must
throw some water on the telepathic catfight if she is to survive.
(Chris Cooper; John Royle, Tom Wegrzyn; Royle, Wegrzyn)

18	May 98	mangHom qaD, 1
Published in Klingon. Translation coordinated by Dr. Lawrence
Schoen of the Klingon Language Institute and edited by Chip Carter.
Includes "A Klingon glossary" and an advertisement in Klingon.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning; Renaud, Lanning)

18	May 98	Cadet challenge, 1
Published in English. B'essa'al challenges for leadership of
First Cadre. To win honor for their people, the cadets of First
Cadre resolve to find the sword of Kahless, believed lost in
the Gamma Quadrant ("The sword of Kahless" [DS9]). Following a
false trail, they are captured by a vengeful Omega Squad, for
the death of Kamilah Goldstein. Pava must face Kovold one last time.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning; Renaud, Lanning)

19	Jun 98	Between love and hate, 2
Pava must fight for her life against Kovold, who has been driven
insane by an archaeological artifact. Pava is unable to bring
herself to kill Kovold, but he destroys the shuttle to try and
burn away his dishonor. Pava is transported away with only a
moment to spare and is blamed for the death anyway. Last issue
of the series.
(Chris Cooper; Chris Renaud, Andy Lanning; Renaud, Lanning)

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Previous Document: [Marvel Comics] Star Trek: The Early Voyages
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