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Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 7/9
Section - [Marvel Comics] Star Trek: The Early Voyages

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This series features Captain Christopher Pike's Enterprise.

01	Feb 97	Flesh of my flesh
Pike and the crew of the Enterprise encounter an organic vessel
which may be responsible for the disappearance of several small
Federation ships. The alien ship abducts Pike and begins to probe
his memories, reliving his first command and the selection of his
crew. Meanwhile, Spock and Dr. Bryce try to find a cure for a
shipwide infection and Number One mounts a rescue mission. Captain
Robert April (ST:TAS) appears briefly. Double-size issue.
(Dan Abnett, Ian Edgington; Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams; Zircher,

02	Mar 97	The fires of Pharos
The Enterprise arrives at Starbase 13 to help police the area and
finds the station under attack. After driving off raiders, Pike
learns that vast deposits of dilithium have been found nearby and word
has gotten out to the Klingons. Commander Kaaj attacks the Enterprise
and attempts to take control of the dilithium, but he underestimates
Pike and his crew.
(Ian Edginton, Dan Abnett; Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams; Zircher, ?)

03	Apr 97	Our dearest blood
Pike and his crew attend a celebration on Rigel 7 marking their
ratification of Federation membership. As a condition of membership,
the Kaylar, a specially bred warrior caste, must be disbanded. Pike
visits the Zemtar fortress and learns that the Kaylar and Rigel are
not as ready for the Federation as they seem. The Enterprise loses
a popular crewman to Rigel extremists. Continuity with "The Cage"
[TOS] is established.
(Ian Edginton, Dan Abnett; Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams; ?)

04	May 97	Nor iron bars a cage
Yeoman Mia Colt recounts her assignment to the Enterprise and the
events of her first mission as Pike's yeoman on Talos IV ("The Cage"
[TOS]). Also contains a sketchbook of Enterprise crewmembers.
(Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton; Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams; Zircher, Adams)

05	Jun 97	Cloak and dagger, 1
While searching for a missing starship, Pike and his crew find a
lost Vulcan colony. Descendants of Vulcans who left the homeworld
during Surak's reformation, they have retained their warrior heritage.
A splinter faction has taken control of the Cortez, installed their
own weapons, and attack the Enterprise.
(Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton; Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams; Zircher, ?)

06	Jul 97	Cloak and dagger, 2
While Pike and his landing party are virtually prisoners of the lost
colony of Vulcans, Number One must engage renegade Vulcan commander
Tagok aboard the stolen starship Cortez. Meanwhile, Matriarch T'Kell
plans to use a world-devastating weapon on Tagok and force Pike to
take her people back to Vulcan as conquerors.
(Ian Edginton, Dan Abnett ; Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams; Zircher, Adams)

07	Aug 97	The flat, gold forever
Kaaj (Early Voyages #2) lures Pike from the Enterprise to satisfy his
blood-debt, but loses him on a remote farming planet. While Kaaj
recklessly sacrifices his crew and anyone else who gets in the way
of killing Pike, the Enterprise receives Pike's coordinates from
an untracable transmission. New cover format.
(Ian Edginton, Dan Abnett ; Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams; Zircher, Adams)

Note: Marvel's "New guide to the Star Trek universe" began appearing
in Early Voyages #7 and Starfleet Academy #9. Each guide contains
crew member profiles and brief synopses of previous events printed on a
two-page gatefold interior front cover.

08	Sep 97	Immortal wounds
While providing medical relief on Neyda Prime, Dr. Boyce is arrested for
the murder of a wealthy businessman. Toluk, a Vulcan ambassador, agrees
to represent Boyce before the authorities. A mind meld reveals the
reason why Boyce has become a killer.
(Ian Edginton, Dan Abnett ; Patrick Zircher, Greg Adams;)

09	Oct 97	One of a kind
Nano is recalled home to Liria following the tragic deaths of several
members of the Lirin Unity. While Nano tries to reintegrate into
Lirin society, his crewmates tour the area, discovering a danger to
Liria whose inhabitants are reluctant and ill-equipped to confront.
(Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton; Michael Collins, Greg Adams; Collins, Adams)

10	Nov 97	The Fallen, 1
A Federation colony on Jubal is attacked by Chakuun ghostships,
shock troops for the Tholian Empire. The Enterprise investigates
and has an encounter with a ghostship. Returning to Earth for
repairs, some of the crew take shore leave and must come to grips
with family and friends before joining a task force leaving for
the Tholian border.
(Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton; Michael Collins, Greg Adams;)

11	Dec 97	The Fallen, 2
While a Federation task force meets the Chakuun war fleet, relief
teams beam to the Theta Kalyb colony to help survivors. A close
encounter between an Enterpise crewman and a wounded Chakuun
warrior proves educational and beneficial.
(Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton; Michael Collins, Greg Adams;)

12	Jan 98	Futures, 1
The Enterprise arrives at Starbase 45 for repairs. Number One is
offered command of the Nelson, but declines. While on shore leave,
Colt and Tyler find an artifact that gives a glimpse into the
future. Pike receives secret orders for an away mission and
Admiral Robert April arrives. While studying the artifact, Colt
is thrown into the future.
(Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton; Michael Collins, Greg Adams; Collins, Adams)

13	Feb 98	Future tense, 2
Yeoman Colt finds herself transported into an alternate future,
chased by Starfleet security into the arms of a Jim Kirk. In this
alternate future, Kirk was assigned to the Enterprise after Colt's
disappearance and eventually quit Starfleet. Now he's a freighter
captain with an exotic crew and Scotty as his engineer. To help
Colt get back to her own time, Kirk must take his ship into
Klingon space and meet General Chang (ST:V TUC).
(Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton; Patrick Zircher, Steve Moncuse;)

14	Mar 98	Past imperfect, 3
Kirk's freighter, the Bounty, is damaged. Pike and the Enterprise
drive the Klingons away, but he isn't happy to see Kirk, and
astonished to see Colt. Saavik discovers that Colt's temporal
integrity is decaying and must be returned to her own timeline
before she dies. Pike commits to following Kirk's plan and
reenters Klingon territory. Captain Robbins, Pike's Number One,
now in command of her own ship, is ordered to intercept and
destroy the Enterprise. Chang returns, looking for an eye for
an eye.
(Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton; Patrick Zircher, Steve Moncuse;)

15	Apr 98	Now and then, 4
Arriving back at Algol to try and help Colt restore the timeline,
the Enterprise is battered by a Klingon task force. Even with
help from Excaliber, the Federation ships take a beating.
Meanwhile, Kirk and his crew accompany Colt to the planet, with
hope of returning her to the past.
(Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton; Patrick Zircher, Steve Moncuse;)

16	May 98	Thanatos, 1
On a covert mission disguised as a native, Pike and his away team
must learn what the Klingons are planning for the people of Temazi.
Meanwhile, Admiral Robert April is aboard the Enterprise, unhappy
with the ship's officers and morale. Both Starfleet and the
Klingons are looking for a cache of advanced weapons. The search
brings Pike in conflict with an old enemy, Kaaj.
(Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton; Javier Pulido, Steve Moncuse; Pulido)

17	Jun 98	Nemesis, 2
The xenophobic Temazi discover the disguised Starfleet and Klingon
crew among them and everyone must fight for their lives. In orbit,
Number One must deal with the Klingons and April's disapproval.
Meanwhile, the Temazi unleash the hidden weapons. Last issue of the
series. The story arc is unfinished.
(Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton; Javier Pulido, Steve Moncuse; Pulido)

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