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Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 6/9
Section - [Marvel Comics] Star Trek: Telepathy War

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 6/9
Previous Document: [Marvel Comics] Star Trek: Mirror, Mirror
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01	Nov 97	Telepathy War: Reality's end
The Dominion plot to exterminate every telepathic race in the
Alpha Quadrant reaches a crisis. While Starfleet forces are
diverted, a conference of telepaths is vulnerable to a Jem'Hadar
attack, but the real threat is a meme virus capable of affecting
every telepath. While the Enterprise defends the conference,
Bashir, Astrun, and the Talosians counter the virus. Cameo
appearances by Spock and Lwaxana Troi. Double-size one-shot.
Conclusion of a six-part DS9/TNG/Starfleet Academy/Voyager
crossover in Starfleet Academy #12, DS9 #12, DS9 #13, Unlimited #6,
and Voyager #13.
(Chris Cooper; Patrick Zircher, Steve Moncuse;)

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 6/9
Previous Document: [Marvel Comics] Star Trek: Mirror, Mirror
Next Document: [Marvel Comics] Star Trek: Untold Voyages (mini-series)

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM