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Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 6/9
Section - [Marvel Comics] Star Trek: Mirror, Mirror

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 6/9
Previous Document: [Marvel Comics] Star Trek: Operation Assimilation
Next Document: [Marvel Comics] Star Trek: Telepathy War
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01	Feb 97	Fragile glass
Follow-up to TOS episode "Mirror, Mirror". When Kirk, McCoy, Scotty
and Uhura beam back to their own Enterprise, Spock arrests Kirk even
though Starfleet has ordered him to kill Kirk and take command. While
Kirk conspires with Sulu and Uhura to take back the Enterprise, Spock,
Marlena, Chekov, and Scotty try to survive their crewmates' plotting,
and a Klingon task force. In spite of having control of the Tantalus
Field, in the end, Spock must face Kirk alone.
(Tom DeFalco; Mark Bagley, Larry Mahlstedt; Bagley, Mahlstedt)

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Top Document: Star Trek Comics Checklist, Part 6/9
Previous Document: [Marvel Comics] Star Trek: Operation Assimilation
Next Document: [Marvel Comics] Star Trek: Telepathy War

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM