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[rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)
Section - Skit - A Brotherhood of Scouting

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This skit has a Brotherhood theme, and is well-suited to the older sections
(Scouts and higher) and leaders, particularly in an all-sections campfire.
It is best presented near the end of the campfire, when things are winding
down (and the children have settled down).


                        BROTHERHOOD OF SCOUTING

People required for the Skit: 6
Old Man with a Staff
Spirit of the Beaver
Spirit of the Wolf Cub
Spirit of the Scout
Spirit of adVenture
Spirit of the Rover
(fewer people may be used by doubling up on roles)

Skit Setup:

Index cards can be used by the Spirits if there isn't time to memorize each
role. (Small Flashlight recommended!)

The Old Man is inside the campfire circle, walking slowly with his staff.
He is slightly hunched over with age and leans on the staff heavily.

The Scouting Spirits are evenly spaced outside the campfire circle, just
far enough back not to be seen. (They should speak loud and clearly).

When the Old Man stops each time and looks into the fire, there should be
2-3 seconds of silence before the Spirits speak.

(The memories that the Old Man says aloud should be specific to the group,
so they have relevance to the audience and can feel the full impact of the
skit. Consult with other leaders/ youth for ideas.)

The Skit:

OLD MAN (Shuffling slowly around the campfire)
My life has been long, too long, and my Scouting years are behind me.
My friends are all gone and I am going to die alone. Old and Alone.
(Stops and stares into the fire)


I am the Spirit of the Beaver.  When you were young, I taught you Sharing
and Caring for the World.

OLD MAN (Resumes shuffling slowly around the campfire)
<Beaver Memory> e.g. "Beavers. I remember Beavers. Riverbanks and the Beaver

Pond, making crafts to take home to Mom..." <etc.> (The Old Man stops again
and stares into the fire.)


I am the Spirit of the Wolf Cub. I taught you to do your best, I led your
Pack through the forest and you lived by My Law.

OLD MAN (Resumes shuffling around the campfire)
<Cub Memory> e.g. "Cubs. I remember Cubs. Hot Dog roasts in the bush, my
first real camp-out, and of course the Kub Kar races..." <etc>. (The Old
Man stops again and stares into the fire.)

"On My Honor"

I am the Spirit of the Scout. I taught you knots and how to camp without
a trace, and together we explored the land.

OLD MAN (Resumes shuffling around the circle)
<Scout Memory> e.g. "Scouts. I remember Scouts. Long hikes and long camps,
breaking lake ice for water in the winter. And then there was Jamboree..."
<etc.> (Stops and stares into the fire.)


I am the Spirit of adVenture. I taught you leadership and set you free, to
test your limits to the skies.

OLD MAN (Resumes shuffling around the fire)
<Venturer Memory> e.g. "Oh, yes, Venturers. Attending Jamboree as a
Hikemaster, leading people from around the world into the Rockies.
Getting my drivers license and trying to date Rangers..." <etc.>
(Stops and stares into the fire)


I am the Spirit of the Rover. I led you to adulthood and self-destiny.
We chose to give back the love we were given through Service.

OLD MAN (Resumes shuffling)
<Rover Memory> e.g. "Rovers. I could never forget Rovers. Helping out at
Dream-On, putting on District campfires. And then there were the Moots
and Road trips. And camps, camps, camps." (Slows down and begins to sink
to the ground. He is dying.)

ALL SPIRITS (Walk straight into the campfire circle from where they stand,
if possible. They should all arrive at the Old Man's body at the same time.
Wait a moment or two.)
"We are the brotherhood of Scouting". <Each section says its name in order -
"If you grow up with Scouting you are NEVER alone."

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM