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[rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)
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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)
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The skit starts out with a couple of campers (or scouts in your case) asking
for some volunteers from the audience (parents will do JUST fine...evil grin).

The volunteers are then removed from the room by one of the scouts in charge
of the 'Game Show' (thank you Vanna...)

After the volunteers have been removed, the 'Game' is set up.
Two tables (the folding type work VERY well) are covered with sleeping
bags and balls of various descriptions are placed under buckets on
these tables, the catch is that in between the two tables a person
(another scout perhaps) is kneeling with his head under a bucket to
resemble the other buckets (of course this is well hidden with sleeping
bags, or sheets or what ever you have handy)  The tables are then moved
close together to further hide the fact that there is anyone under the
table, and don't forget to cover the front of the table so that the
participant, or victim as it were, cannot see under the tables.

Bring in the first contestant...

It is then that the 'Game' is described to the contestant.  He/she is to
make his/her way down the line of buckets picking up each bucket and
naming the ball under the bucket.  Give some time record to be beaten.
Then as they make their way down the line and eventually pick up the
bucket off of the table under which the scout is hiding, the scout should
yell/scream etc. to further the shock value.

Bring in the next contestant...etc

This skit is generally really effective and is good for a few laughs if
nothing else.

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Skits, Yells & Creative Campfires (FAQ 9)
Previous Document: Skit - SARGE AND THE PRIVATE
Next Document: Skit - A Brotherhood of Scouting

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM