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[rec.scouting.*] Scouting on the WWW (FAQ *)
Section - OK, my page is ready. Now what ?

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Scouting on the WWW (FAQ *)
Previous Document: Why do I need to test my pages?
Next Document: How can I tell if anyone is reading my page?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Announce it. Post in on SCOUTS-L, rec.scouting.misc, and if appropriate
also on Scouting-Europe (or rec.scouting.usa), Scout-Girls-L, (and/or, and any local Scouting or other specialized 
list.  Check the list of mailing lists and discussion groups in the 
MacScouter's <a href="">
Scouting on InterNet</a>.

You should also notify one of the people below who maintain index pages, 
although they will probably read the announcements as well (unless we're 
out camping).

   David Jansen    <a href="">
   Scouting Spider <a href="">
		   (submission form)   
   US Scouting Service <a href="">
		   (submission form)   
   Alan Houser    <a href="">   

The latter two maintain lists only of US Scouting pages, while the
first two will index pages from all over the world.  There are a number
of other folks who maintain lists of all the units in their own 
country.  You can find their email addresses through their pages on the 
<a href="">Scouting 
around the World</a> list of national scouting organizations.  

If you do not subscribe to one of the mailing lists above, you can
send an email message to one of the sites above and ask them to
post it for you.

You might also want to announce it to non-scouts in your local area.
After all, these pages are an advertisement for your unit.  Is there
a page for your local community, either through the local government
or the library or a public service page?

And then there are the major WWW page indices such as 
<a href="">Yahoo</a>,
<a href="">Alta Vista</a>, and 
<a href="">Lycos</a>.
which will allow you to register your page with them directly.

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Scouting on the WWW (FAQ *)
Previous Document: Why do I need to test my pages?
Next Document: How can I tell if anyone is reading my page?

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Alan Houser)

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM