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[rec.scouting.*] Scouting on the WWW (FAQ *)
Section - Why do I need to test my pages?

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Scouting on the WWW (FAQ *)
Previous Document: Should I include names on my pages ?
Next Document: OK, my page is ready. Now what ?
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This is the part of any programming task that is usually the most
time-consuming and frustrating for the new programmer. Without a
solid knowledge of HTML, it is often very hard to track down the
error in your code that makes the page appear differently than you
intend. While this can be a chore, it is probably the most important
part of the process. There is nothing worse than surfing around the
net and trying to access a page that is not working correctly or is
formatted poorly.

Before you upload your files to your host, be sure to thoroughly test
all the pages on your system at home, checking your spelling,
punctuation, grammar, as well as the functioning of all your links to
other files. Make sure you are on-line when you check your external
links or you will get errors.

One consideration in Web design is the way different browsers, such as
Netscape, Internet Explorer, or Mosaic display the same HTML code. It
is a good idea to test your pages in as many different browsers as
you can to make sure something strange doesn't happen. Along with
this, the more generic your Web page code is, the more compatible it
will be with the different browsers your visitors may use. Try not to
use too many features that are specific to one browser or another
unless you plan to provide alternate paths for other visitors.

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Top Document: [rec.scouting.*] Scouting on the WWW (FAQ *)
Previous Document: Should I include names on my pages ?
Next Document: OK, my page is ready. Now what ?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM