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Top Document: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
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Next Document: 5. "E-mail me", "I want to chat", and penpal requests. NO!
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge is nominally dedicated to questions, advice, poems,
stories, anecdotes, ruminations, etc., regarding "romance."  Romance is
probably undefinable, so don't worry about any ARC.accepted.norms... There
aren't any.  (Actually, that's not true.  Norm is down there at the end of
the bar!  (Hi Joshua! *wave*) There are Rip's, Rob's, and Ross's, and more
than a few cats (HiYa!) around here.  But, don't ask about grog!  Please.
It's for your own good!)

For those of you with Web access, we also maintain a home page for our
newsgroup.  The home page is called the ARChive, and can be found at the
following URL:


The ARChive contains this FAQ, a link to our USENET newsgroup, a picture
gallery of some ARC.folk, a collection of articles from the CASTLE thread,
links to the home pages of some of our ARC.folk, and links to some other
interesting romance-related places.  Please note that there are now two
versions of the ARChive available.  The content is the same, but one has
extras, such as frames, backgrounds, a counter etc. while the other is the
original with minimal 'flash', for those who don't like, or have browsers
that won't support frames.


Subject:  4.  Should I post personal ads to ARC?  NO!

There seem to be some indexes floating around in (particularly in
Europe), that say ARC is a place to post personal ads.  They are *wrong*!
Do not post personal ads to ARC.  There are other social newsgroups, like
alt.romance,, alt.cuddles, alt.couples,, etc., and
none of them are appropriate for personal ads, either.

There are groups that *are* appropriate for "ad" posts.  For example, try
the alt.personals and the groups.

If you're in doubt as to the correct group to post in, you can use the
interest finder on DejaNews (, or check out the
FAQs for these groups.  They can be found on RTFM.MIT.EDU, and accessed
via anonymous ftp.  While you're there, read a copy of the Netiquette
Guide. The net will thank you.  (And so will your mother -- do you have
clean underwear on?)

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: 2. Table of contents
Next Document: 5. "E-mail me", "I want to chat", and penpal requests. NO!

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM