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Section - 2. Table of contents

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Top Document: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: 1. Introduction
Next Document: 3. What is this thang called ''?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
1.  Introduction
2.  Table of Contents
3.  What is this thang called ''?
4.  Should I post personal ads to ARC?  NO!
5.  "E-mail me", "I want to chat", and penpal requests.  NO!
6.  No?  But you said this was a place for meeting people!!!
7.  Are these people serious?
8.  Ads for comercial sevices, 1-900 numbers, and web pages
9.  What is the RFA?  And how do I get an 'official' title?
    9b. Do I have to apply to the RFA to post to ARC?
10.  Why the heck to some posts start with CH?
11.  That last message was really stupid.  Should I flame?
12.  I want to talk dirty.  Should I do that in ARC?
13.  How come everybody seems to know everybody else?
14.  Hey!  That last post had nothing to do with ARC!
15.  What's the difference between ARC and alt.romance?
16.  Where are all the good men/women?
    16b. Where are all the good men/women (Alternate answer #1)
    16c. Where are all the good men/women (Alternate answer #2)
17.  Where can I get more information on the USENET?
18.  Now what?

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Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Previous Document: 1. Introduction
Next Document: 3. What is this thang called ''?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM