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rec.pets.herp Frequently Asked Questions (2 of 3)
Section - <6.3> I just bought a . How do I take care

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Top Document: rec.pets.herp Frequently Asked Questions (2 of 3)
Previous Document: <6.2> How do I identify this creature in my yard? Can I keep
Next Document: <6.4> Is it OK to order herps through the mail? Over the net?
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Everyone would much rather see this question in the form "I'm going to
a <whatever>...", but it doesn't always happen that way.

Some species of herps are quite difficult to keep and suited only for
who really want a time sink, or who have lots of experience, or who have
ready source of some exotic food item; unfortunately, your average pet
doesn't know which species these are, and so, every so often, a new
asks something like "I just bought a Nile crocodile.  The pet store said
would be pretty easy to take care of, but how do I do it?"

Regrettably, in the case of a Nile crocodile, the only realistic answer
to find someone who *really* knows about working with large
crocodilians, and
hope they want to take it off your hands.  While this example is a
exaggerated, it's quite common for unsuspecting people to end up in over
heads with a difficult species, and the herp almost invariably suffers
for it.
For this reason, it's vitally important to learn about the needs of an
animal *before* you go out and buy one!

But let's suppose you already have your Nile crocodile, you really like
and are determined to do whatever it takes to keep it happy and healthy,
you think you might have the resources to do it.  In this case, go ahead
post; you may take some heat, but the best response is probably "Yeah, I
realize I should have researched it first.  I'll do better next time,
but now
I want to learn how to handle the situation I've got."  People will

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Top Document: rec.pets.herp Frequently Asked Questions (2 of 3)
Previous Document: <6.2> How do I identify this creature in my yard? Can I keep
Next Document: <6.4> Is it OK to order herps through the mail? Over the net?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Single Page

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Bill East <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM