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rec.pets.herp Frequently Asked Questions (2 of 3)
Section - <6.2> How do I identify this creature in my yard? Can I keep

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Top Document: rec.pets.herp Frequently Asked Questions (2 of 3)
Previous Document: <6.1> Where can I get a ?
Next Document: <6.3> I just bought a . How do I take care
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It's hard to describe an animal accurately enough for a positive ID in
Try a field guide first, since you can look back and forth from the book
the animal.  (This author, based in North America, favors the Audubon
others prefer the Peterson guides for their range maps and
sections.  Field guides for Britain and Europe are known to exist, but I
don't know enough about them to make recommendations.)  If you can't
a conclusive ID, then post a detailed description of the animal, along
any useful information you gathered from the guide ("I thought it might
a Flipplezorb's tree frog, but it doesn't have a puce belly").  Someone
probably post either a tentative ID or a request for specific

In some cases, the answer to "Can I keep it?" is definitely *no*.  Many
jurisdictions have some form of laws against keeping native wildlife in
captivity, and such laws are sometimes enforced with surprising vigor.
is one reason why a positive ID is very important; you don't want to
yourself inadvertently violating the law and setting both yourself and
animal up for trouble.

Legalities aside, it's often not a good idea to keep animals you find in
wild, and you should just release the critter where you found it;
all concerned will probably be happier if you satisfy your herp desires
a captive-bred animal.  However, most of us caught garter snakes as kids
kept them, and are in no position to take a holier-than-thou stance
keeping such animals.  If you want to keep something that crawled out
under your azaleas, make sure you've identified it correctly, and *then*
asking for care guidelines.  A single posting saying "I don't know what
is, but how do I take care of it?" will not get many useful responses.

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Top Document: rec.pets.herp Frequently Asked Questions (2 of 3)
Previous Document: <6.1> Where can I get a ?
Next Document: <6.3> I just bought a . How do I take care

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Bill East <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM