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Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
Section - The path to '95 by copying setup to the aero

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Top Document: Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 3.3.3 Windows95
Next Document: The path to '95 by installing via Winlink (Lap2desk)
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From: Steven Lawson <>
Date: Thu, 23 May 1996 12:06:59 -0700

Yes, this really does need to be documented in a step-by-step
format.  I've had mine on Win95 since beta so it's hard to
recall everything.


Seems to me the sequence would be (assuming no cd-rom on the
Aero and a cd-rom Win95 on a desktop, plus the Aero floppy
NOT installed)

  1. Backup everything
  2. Update the BIOS
  3. Remove as much as possible
       (you CAN remove Win3.1 if you have the floppy and
        map the desktop A: drive in step 7) 
  4. Rename the WINDOWS directory if not removed
  5. copy INTERLNK.EXE and INTERSVR.EXE to root (\)
      (Win95 has none & you'll later toss \DOS)
  6. add INTERLNK to config.sys 
      (use /LPT1 /AUTO)
  7. on desktop:
      copy cd \WIN95 subdir to hard drive
      run INTERSVR /LPT1 /X:A /X:B
      (no /X:A if you erased Win 3.1!!)
  8. connect parallel cable & boot Aero
      (verify drive mapping)
  9. XCOPY the \WIN95 subdir to the Aero
 10. go to \WIN95 and SETUP

Install new Windows into /WINDOWS.  Eventually it'll finish
the install...  If you erased Win 3.1 you'll have to put
the 3.1 disk 1 in the server A: for verification.  I leave
the Aero floppy out so Win95 won't see it during setup and
hopefully it's the reason I've had less trouble than others
getting the floppy to work later..

If you can try and keep the \WIN95 subdir for a few weeks, it's
likely you'll reconfig something and need it available..

Since you want drive compression I'd get the Plus! pack
for Drivespace 3, it works great.  Do the same trick as
you did pulling the \WIN95 subdir before. (I leave
INTERLNK in config.sys with /AUTO on mine, it comes in
REAL handy.  'Direct Cable Connection' in Win95 sucks.

Someone else will have to assist on the order of the
updates.  There is also a step to do to make sure Win95
doesn't have a default floppy driver loaded which messes
up the PCMCIA one.

Eventually you'll want to remove the \DOS and old windows
subdirectories.  Make sure you placed copies of INTERLNK
and INTERSVR into root or you'll lose 'em (and they're
too handy to lose!)
Hope I didn't leave anything out, but I likely did.  There
are other ways to do this but this is what I've found 
works well (at least the few times I've done it..)

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Top Document: Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 3.3.3 Windows95
Next Document: The path to '95 by installing via Winlink (Lap2desk)

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