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Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
Section - 3.3.3 Windows95

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Look in section for information on power management and windows 95.
It is very important to install the softpacks in the correct order or else
it will screw up your registry.

[C] From: "Zygmunt J Poliniak" 
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 10:50:23 -0400
Subject: Re: WIN95a Vs WIN95OSR2 on Aero?

to add to Phillip's comments I have found that there are differences in the
way some devices function on my HP OmniBook 800 depending on the Win95 

The most annoying problem is that my IBM Home and Away PC Card (Combo
Modem & Ethernet card) works fine under Win95a but Win95OSR2 refuses to
recognise it.

I have also noticed that some PC cards (Adaptec Slim SCSI 1480 which is
cardbus and not supported on the Aero anyway) specifically require
Win95OSR2 to work.

In summary - you don't necessarily need the latest version.

[C] From: "Philip Wilk" 
Date: 06/24/99 
Subject:  FAQ, Nokia Data Suite, and Re: WIN 3.1 to WIN95 on Aero?

They (Microsoft) never released OSR2 to the general public. The only way
you can get it is to borrow the installation CD from a machine that has
it already installed from the factory.

The reason for this, to the extent that I can figure out, is the OSR2 was
not rigorously tested on all machines and platforms. Surprisingly enough,
MS does do bug testing. I guess to separate out acceptable bugs from bugs
that must be fixed prior to release.

I am doubtful that there is any improvement to win95, going to OSR2. The
caveat is that you must download and install all the patches from the MS
web site if you do not have OSR2. OSR2 has all these included, and then
some more "fixes" (hacks?). I personally chose win95a over OSR2. It works
just dandy - albiet slow slow slow.

[C] From: Philip Wilk
Date: 04 Nov 1997

Switching to windows 95 is a tempting idea. However, it is important to
remember that it is not a trivial project and will take many hours;
especially the first time (doh). If you do not need windows 95, I would
not go to the trouble "upgrading" till windows 98 comes out. There is
precious little advantage to running this operating system versus windows

Make a complete backup before you install. If you do not install over
a current version of windows you will lose all your registry entries. This
may not be a bad thing if your reg.dat file is huge. Losing your old
reg.dat entries means some programs will not work right unless you
re-install them.

If you do not like the new windows, you can remove it even if you do not
have the uninstall option. Here is how:

1. Boot from an old DOS floppy.
2. Delete the windows directory.
3. Restore your old windows directory.
4. Use the sys command to transfer (DOS) to transfer the system back over.

This should restore your old windows.

[C] From: John David Steffes <>
Subject: RE: SP3030 and hib32.exe
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 17:14:08 -0400

Hibernation 32bit allows windows 95 to manage your hibernation file and
also allows deleteion of autoexec.bat and config.sys... JDS

[C] From: Martin Ziessler <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 23:06:08 +0200
Subject: Re: It seems SP3030 is only for Armada--not really

>Martin Ziessler <> wrote in article
>> Ygal Giramberk wrote:
>> > 
>> > I "updated" my Aero 4/33 with the SP3030, but now the Power Management
>> > does not seem to work correctly.
>> > I went back to re-install it and noticed, for the first time <g>, that
>> > the DOS install box says it's for the Armada family.
>> > Also, SP3030 is not listed under the Aero section on the Compaq site.
>> > Does anyone have any idea which SP??? was the previous one, and how to
>> > "go back"?
>> As far as I know, sp3030 replaces sp2049, which replaces sp2035, which
>> replaces sp1329.  Sp1329 is, I believe, still a must for the Aero
>> running Win 95.  Sp3030 will not do the job.  I tried it by itself after
>> I got the original 250MB harddrive replaced under warranty (the new
>> drive isn't any bigger, as I had hoped).  The FDD would not hot-plug
>> before I installed Sp1329 on top of everything else, although I already
>> had sp1350 and sp3030 (and latest bios upgrade), which is supposed to
>> take care of any FDD problems.  (I wanted to see if I could do without
>> the Compaq PCMCIA Card Manager that doesn't really seem to do anything
>> useful, but as I said, it is apparently crucial in making the FDD
>> hot-pluggable.)
>> Somewhere along the way I decided to delete the CPQDOS directory with
>> hibrn8.exe, as someone had suggested a while ago, based on the theory
>> that hib32.exe, which is installed by sp3030 in the Windows \SYSTEM
>> directory, would do the same job, only much better...  Well, it didn't
>> for me.  Without hibrn8.exe, hib32.exe created a 40MB hibrn8.dat file,
>> though my Aero runs on 12 megs of RAM.  In addition, the hibernation
>> files from sp3030 would report errors in the structure of the
>> hibernation file and eventually hang trying to delete the file.  (Error
>> messages are weird, complaining that harddisk space in the multi-digit
>> gigabyte range is lacking.)
>> To be fair, sp3030 does seem to fix a few minor bugs in sp1329, and
>> that's useful.  I have not experienced any problems with power
>> management that could be attributed to sp3030.  In sum, I'm happy with
>> the old hibrn8.exe and the bug fixes from sp3030, but I don't think
>> sp3030, plain vanilla, does much good on the Aero.
>> Cheers,
>> Martin

At 15:45 17.06.97 -0700, Ygal Giramberk wrote:
>I didn't even know about the changes it had made to hibrn8.
>I checked my system and found that hibrn8.exe is now gone and hib32.exe is
>there. It made a dat file of 12MB (same as my RAM) so I didn't experience
>your problem of the 40MB.
>But the only way I can get the Power Management to work properly (more or
>less) is to set the APM mode 1.0, which I didn't need to before.
>I've never had the FDD hot swap problem after SP 1329.
>But did you succeed in putting back 1329 over 3030? Does it work? What 3030
>files need to be deleted? And what about the registry entries created by
>I have an install logging program, but I was so stupid, I didn't use it!!!


I posted an update to my earlier message a while ago.  I now agree that
Sp3030 works fine with the Aero.  I have not seen any problems with
hibernation that I could specifically trace to either Sp3030 or Sp1329. In
addition, Sp3030 may work just fine by itself, unless you have that nasty
problem I reported, which appears to be fixable (or at least was fixable in
my case) by hitting ENTER in Control Panel--Energy--Hibernation.  And yes,
Sp1329 seems to work fine over Sp3030, though I'm not sure you would want
Sp1329, since Sp3030 is an update.  (Of course, Sp1329 gives you the Compaq
PCMCIA Card Manager, and I have it installed on my Aero, but I don't really
see any truly useful functionality in it.)  I can't see why you would want
to delete any files from the more current Sp3030.  And sorry, but the
Registry is outer space to me.

Hope this helps.


[C] Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 23:43:40 +0200
From: Martin Ziessler <>
Subject: SP3030 and hib32.exe

Here is what helped getting hibernation to work after first installing
SP3030 (Portable Supplemental Programs for Win 95, version 2.04 rev.
B--Armada stuff) and then SP1329 (Portables Win 95 Supplemental Programs,
version 2.00 rev. B--Aero stuff).  It turned out to be very simple for me,
however, I don't know if it will always work in similar situations.

As reported earlier, unless I kept the old hibrn8.exe in the \CPQDOS
directory and had it loaded in autoexec.bat, the newly installed SP3030
would screw up the hibernation receptacle (hibrn8.dat) and then
practically hang in the futile attempt to create a new one.  I'd also get
out-of-disk-space error messages.

So, after boot-up, the only way to stop hib32.exe from doing who knows what
and tying up the Aero in strange loops was to hit CTRL+ALT+DEL and kill it.
 Then I deleted the new but corrupted hibrn8.dat (which in this case had a
size of zero KB).  Next, I opened the Control Panel,
                                        then Energy,
                                                then the Hibernation tab.
There, I found the box with the name "Drive for Hibernation File."  It list
drive C: and the amount of free space on that drive, plus the amount of
space needed for hibrn8.dat (not sure if the numbers actually made any
sense in my case previously, but they are correct now).  I clicked on the
box to see if anything could be reconfigured, but there weren't any other
options.  BUT, this time, I didn't hit CANCEL to exit Energy, but OK. That
apparently made all the difference.  The harddrive purred nicely for a few
seconds produced a new hibernation file, of the correct size (some 12MB).

That was all.  I have removed all of \CPQDOS, rem'd out the hibrn8.exe line
in autoexec.bat, and have been working without any problems since then.
Hibernation is flawless.  I am now under the impression that the order of
installation (SP3030 first, then SP1329) doesn't really matter.  I would
even speculate that SP3030 by itself might work fine, so one could probably
do without installing the funny Compaq PCMCIA Card Manager that comes with
SP1329 but not with SP3030.

Hope this helps someone.


[C] From: John David Steffes <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: RE: Info for novices re Something old, something new...
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 13:57:32 -0500
Encoding: 48 TEXT

        Has several files it call system: io.sys (which is now io.sys and 
msods.sys), msdos.sys (just a text file for settings now), 
(enhanced command processor), config.sys (It loads drivers if you don't put 
them in here), autoexec.bat (100% user definitions), dosstart.bat (in the 
windows directory, has all the files to create a good msdos mode, depends 
on user and how user upgrade (IE if you had a mouse driver it will be moved 
to dosstart.bat). Dosstart.bat get executed when restart system in msdos 
mode (you can also create it to reboot the system which I did load the 
PCMCIA driver (creates a new config.sys, autoexec.bat connected to 
shutdwntodos.lnk) and all the other compaq stufff I end up with dos7.0 with 
638 Mem freee, Under dos6.22 I never got more than 617 mem free and it 
seems to run slower! Got rid of DOS6.22 and now I have win3.11 running off 
dos7.0 and win95 running with dos7.0. JDS

[C] Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 09:55:00 -0400
From: "B. Chandrasekaran" <>

On Sunday 15 Sep, Micronic said:
> I recently installed Win95 on my Aero 4/33C. There are no problems in
> recognizing the floppy drive for Win95. ....The problem is when I try to 
> install software from the floppy drive. It
> starts up fine but half way through the first disk the Aero Freezes up and
> the Floppy Drive's light stays the floppy drive for Win95. ....The 
> problem is when I try to install software from the floppy drive. It
> starts up fine but half way through the first disk the Aero Freezes up and
> the Floppy Drive's light stays on.

I had the same problem for almost a month and all the calls to Compaq
and Microsoft were to no avail.  I had followed all the rules and
suggestions just as the above poster did.  It was extremely
frustrating.  The problem ultimately turned out to be a driver from the
16-bit version of the Colorado Tracker.  What you need to do is to first
run it in safe mode, and see if the problem occurs.  If it doesn't, then
you are lucky, since you are on the way to solving the problem.  Remove
all the other applications -- even the ones that you didn't know you had
since you hadn't used it for a while and test the working of the
floppy.  If you have the old Tracker, that is almost certainly the cause
of the problem -- you need to get rid of that driver and install the
32-bit Win 95 Tracker driver.

Hope the above suggestion works out.

[Q] Paul Gallivan wrote:

I have upgrade my system to Win95 and I have the following problem:
In System Properties I have this advice "Some drives are using the MS-DOS

[A] From: Pat Quigley <quiglep@UCBEH.SAN.UC.EDU>
Date: May 5, 1997

If I may make a suggestion.

    Rename your autoexec.bat and config.sys files so they don't run
during startup. (You can call them anything, but autoexe.ba_ and
config.sy_ is simple and minimizes confusion).  Then restart Windows 95.
It will recognize your drives and load its own 32 bit drivers where

    There doesn't seem to be much use for the autoexec.bat or config.sys
files as Windows keeps track of such things automatically.  The only
time you need these drivers is when you run a straight DOS session from
startup.  I find it much easier to just open a full screen DOS window
from Windows 95 and not worry about it.

Good luck.

Pat Q

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