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Network Computers and* newsgroups FAQ v1.10
Section - 4. What different types of Network Computer are there?

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  Many different companies will be producing Network Computers for
 numerous different applications and markets, and there will be many
 different hardware and software implementations, which is why it is
 essential for NCs to conform to the Network Computer Profile (see
 section 8).

  Some of the general areas which the areas of Network Computers can
 be divided into are:

   * home NCs, typically with lower bandwidth, intermittent, network
     access and with a TV as a display device.

   * corporate NCs, typically higher bandwidth (eg Ethernet) network
     access, with better display devices, more like a traditional PC.

   * set top box NC, used to access digital or cable TV, normally with
     high speed network access.

   * dumb terminals, not really NCs as they just display the output of
     programs run on servers, however some NCs also support this method
     of operation for backwards compatibility.

   * PC NCs, normal computers which are running software which conforms
     to the same open standards as Network Computers.

   * Mobile NCs, devices such as palmtops, laptops, and PDAs, which
     which can be used as NCs when connected to a network but will also
     function independently (see section 9).

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Top Document: Network Computers and* newsgroups FAQ v1.10
Previous Document: 3. Will Network Computers replace traditional PCs?
Next Document: 5. What are thin clients?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM