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Network Computers and* newsgroups FAQ v1.10
Section - 3. Will Network Computers replace traditional PCs?

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Top Document: Network Computers and* newsgroups FAQ v1.10
Previous Document: 2. What is a Network Computer?
Next Document: 4. What different types of Network Computer are there?
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  No. NCs will be used mainly by the millions of people who currently
 do not own a traditional computer because of the high purchase and
 maintenance costs, and in numerous new applications such as digital
 TV set top boxes where there currently are no computers. There will
 always be more technically minded people, people running servers, and
 people who want ultimate flexibility who will use a PC type device,
 but they are now, and will continue to be, in the minority.

  With appropriate software some old PCs could be given a new lease of
 life and transformed into a NC like device, rather than being thrown

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Top Document: Network Computers and* newsgroups FAQ v1.10
Previous Document: 2. What is a Network Computer?
Next Document: 4. What different types of Network Computer are there?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM