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Judaism Reading List: Intermarriage (Pt. XI)
Section - You've Done The Deed. Coping With Life As An Intermarried

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          Azoulay, Katya Gibel. Black, Jewish and Interracial: It's Not
          the Color of Your Skin, but the Race of Your Kin. Duke Univ Pr
          (Trd); 1997. Paperback. ISBN 0-822319-71-3.
          [6][Buy at Amazon:

          Belin, David. Why Choose Judaism: New Dimensions of Jewish
          Outreach. UAHC Press #381900 1985. Out of Print. ISBN
          0-807403-02-4. [Non-Orthodox. Explores the uniqueness of
          Judaism and its special roles in America today. Designed for
          partners in an interfaith relationship.]
          [7][Buy at Amazon:

          Commission on Reform Jewish Outreach. What Is Reform Jewish
          Outreach?. Union of American Hebrew Congregations and Central
          Conference of American Rabbis, 838 Fifth Avenue, NY NY 10021,
          212/249-0100. Pamphlet. 1991. [Non-Orthodox]
          Cowan, Paul; Cowan, Rachel (Contributor). Mixed Blessings:
          Overcoming the Stumbling Blocks in an Interfaith Marriage.
          Penguin USA (Paper); 1989. Paperback. Reprint edition. ISBN
          0-140111-89-1. [Describes the interpersonal conflicts that can
          come from different religious backgrounds and how major life
          changes (death of a parent, birth of a child) can bring up
          conflicts. Focuses on how to deal with religious identity and
          practice with children in mixed marriages. (Authors had a mixed
          marriage, Rachel has converted and has become a rabbi)
          [8][Buy at Amazon:

          Crohn, Joel. Mixed Matches: How to Create Successful
          Interracial, Interethnic, and Interfaith Relationships. Fawcett
          Books; 1995. Paperback. ISBN 0-449909-61-1.
          [9][Buy at Amazon:

          Hawxhurst, Joan C. (ed). Interfaith Wedding Ceremonies: Samples
          and Sources. Dovetail Publishing; 1997. Paperback. ISBN
          [10][Buy at Amazon:

          Jacobs, Sidney J.; Jacobs, Betty J. 122 Clues for Jews Whose
          Children Intermarry. Jacobs Ladder Pubns; 1988. Paperback. ISBN
          [11][Buy at Amazon:

          King, Andrea; Schindler, Alexander M. If I'm Jewish and You're
          Christian, What Are the Kids? A Parenting Guide for Interfaith
          Families. Union of American Hebrew Congregations; 1993.
          Paperback. ISBN 0-807404-52-7.
          [12][Buy at Amazon:

          Litvin, Baruch. Jewish Identity: Modern Responsa and Opinions
          on the Registration of Children of Mixed Marriages. Feldheim,
          Jerusalem-New York. 1970. [Answers by 43 leading Jewish
          scholars (both religious and otherwise) to "Who is a Jew?"]
          Mann, Gil. How to Get More Out of Being Jewish Even If: A. You
          Are Not Sure You Believe in God, B. You Think Going to
          Synagogue Is a Waste of Time, C. You think... Leo & Sons Pub;
          1997. Paperback. ISBN 0-965170-90-X.
          [13][Buy at Amazon:

          Packard, Gwen K. Coping in an Interfaith Family (Coping
          Series). Rosen Publishing Group; 1993. Library binding. ISBN
          [14][Buy at Amazon:

          Petsonk, Judy; Remsen, Jim. The Intermarriage Handbook: A Guide
          for Jews & Christians. Quill; 1988, 1991. Paperback. Reprint
          edition. ISBN 0-688103-79-0. [This book explains basis of each
          other's culture, and guidelines on how to proceed.]
          [15][Buy at Amazon:

          Rosenberg, Roy A.; Meehan, Peter; and Payne, John Wade. Happily
          Inter-married: Authoritative Advice for a Joyous
          Jewish-Christian Marriage. Out of Print. ISBN
          0-020891-60-1.[Written by a Protestant minister, a Roman
          Catholic priest, and a Reform Jewish rabbi, offers insights to
          couples seriously considering a permanent bireligious
          [16][Buy at Amazon:

          Reuben, Steven Carr. But How Will You Raise the Children?: A
          Guide To Interfaith Marriage. New York : Pocket Books, 1987.
          Out of Print. ISBN 0-671643-69-X.
          [17][Buy at Amazon:

          Reuben, Steven Carr. Raising Jewish Children in a Contemporary
          World: The Modern Parent's Guide to Creating a Jewish Home
          Rocklin, CA : Prima Pub., 1992. Out of Print. ISBN
          [18][Buy at Amazon:

          Reuben, Steven Carr. Making Interfaith Marriage Work. l993. Out
          of Print. ISBN 1-559585-06-4.
          [19][Buy at Amazon:

          Rosenbaum, Mary Helene and Rosenbaum, Stanley Ned. Celebrating
          Our Differences: Living Two Faiths in One Marriage. Ragged Edge
          Press, 1994. White Mane Pub; 1999. Paperback. 2nd revised
          edition. ISBN 1-572491-63-9.
          [20][Buy at Amazon:

          Sacks, David G. Welcoming The Intermarried In Your Jewish
          Family. Jewish Outreach Institute (33 W 42nd Street, New York
          City, NY 10036, [21]<>). 1995.
          Schaper, Donna E. Raising Interfaith Children: Spiritual
          Orphans or Spiritual Heirs? Crossroad Pub Co; 1999. Paperback.
          ISBN 0-824516-32-X.
          [22][Buy at Amazon:

          Silverstein, Alan. Dual Faith Parenting, Second Thoughts on a
          Popular Trend. The Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs, Inc., New
          York, NY. 1993. [Pamphlet giving strong reasons against trying
          to raise the child of a mixed marriage with both faiths.
          Conservative viewpoint.]
          Silverstein, Alan. Preserving Jewishness in Your Family: After
          Intermarriage Has Occurred. Jason Aronson; 1995. Paperback.
          ISBN 1-568215-43-6.
          [23][Buy at Amazon:

          Yob, Iris M. Keys to Interfaith Parenting (Barron's Parenting
          Keys Series). Barrons Educational Series; 1998. Paperback. ISBN
          [24][Buy at Amazon:

   Readers might also be interested in:
     * Dovetail: A Newsletter by and For Jewish-Christian Families. Back
       issues available on weddings, grandparents, media portrayal,
       religious education, conversion, welcoming ceremonies, therapy,
       death.....and more. E-mail address: [25]
   Additionally, the Jewish Outreach Institute has a good reading list at

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