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Judaism Reading List: Intermarriage (Pt. XI)
Section - Conversion

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          Berkowitz, Allan L. (ed.); Moskovitz, Patti (ed.). Embracing
          the Covenant: Converts to Judaism Talk About Why & How. Jewish
          Lights Pub; 1996. Paperback: ISBN 1-879045-50-8.
          [6][Buy at Amazon:

          Carmel, Abraham. So Strange My Path: A Spiritual Pilgrimage.
          Bloch Pub Co; 1997. Paperback. ISBN 0-819700-40-1.
          [7][Buy at Amazon:

          Cohen, J. Simcha. Intermarriage and Conversion: A Halakhic
          Solution. Ktav Publishing House; 1987. Paperback. ISBN
          0-881251-25-9. [A proposed "solution" to these problems. A
          analysis looking for common ground between Orthodox,
          Conservative, and Reform conversions.]
          [8][Buy at Amazon:

          Diamant, Anita. Choosing a Jewish Life : A Handbook for People
          Converting to Judaism and for Their Family and Friends.
          Schocken Books; 1998. Paperback: ISBN 0-805210-95-4.
          [9][Buy at Amazon:

          Eichhorn, D.M., (ed.) Conversion to Judaism: A History and
          Analysis. Ktav: Hoboken, NJ. 1965. [A historical perspective on
          Ellinson, David. Representative Orthodox Responsa on Conversion
          and Intermarriage in the Contemporary Era Jewish Social Studies
          #47 p.209 [A summary and analysis of several responsa of
          contemporary poskim. See related references in the article.]
          Epstein, Lawrence Jeffrey. The Theory and Practice of Welcoming
          Converts to Judaism: Jewish Universalism (Jewish Studies, Vol
          13). Edwin Mellen Press; 1992. Hardcover. ISBN 0-773494-93-6.
          [10][Buy at Amazon:

          Epstein, Lawrence J. Conversion to Judaism: a Teaching Guide.
          Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education/261 West 35th
          Street Floor 12A/New York NY 10001. 1993. [Pamphlet. Discusses
          conversion, including a historical summary and descriptions of
          Orthodox, Conservative and Reform views and procedures.
          Contains a bibliography, summaries of the lives of some famous
          Jews-by-choice, and exercises to familiarize students with
          issues surrounding conversion.]
          Epstein, Lawrence J. Conversion to Judaism: A Guidebook. Jason
          Aronson; 1994, 1997. Paperback. ISBN 1-568211-28-7. [Discusses
          stories about converts, the conversion process, how to overcome
          common problems associated with conversion and includes
          introductory material on Jewish thought and practices.]
          [11][Buy at Amazon:

          Epstein, Lawrence J. Questions and Answers on Conversion to
          Judaism. Jason Aronson; 1998. Paperback. ISBN 0-765759-96-9.
          [12][Buy at Amazon:

          Feldman, Emanuel; Wolowelsky, Joel B. (ed). The Conversion
          Crisis: Essays from the Pages of Tradition (Treasury of
          Tradition Series). Ktav Publishing House; 1990. Paperback. ISBN
          [13][Buy at Amazon:

          Fiorino, Anthony. "One Soul's Adventure: Spiritual Growth
          Through Halacha" in Jewish Action. Orthodox Union (O-U). Vol 53
          #2, winter 1992/93. [An account of a personal experience as a
          ger, and the spiritual growth that resulted]
          Homolka, Jacob; Jacob, Walter (ed); Seidel, Esther (ed). Not by
          Birth Alone: Conversion to Judaism (Jewish Studies). Cassell
          Academic; 1997. Paperback. ISBN 0-304338-09-5.
          [14][Buy at Amazon:

          Huberman, Steven. New Jews: The Dynamics of Conversion. UAHC
          Press No. 164053. [Concise investigation into the impact of
          conversion on the convert and the family.]
          Kling, Simcha; Perkins, Carl M. Embracing Judaism. The
          Rabbinical Assembly; 1999. Paperback. 2nd revised edition. ISBN
          [15][Buy at Amazon:

          Kukoff, Lydia. Choosing Judaism. Union of American Hebrew
          Congregations; 1981. Paperback. ISBN 0-807401-50-1. [The story
          of one woman's odyssey from Christianity to Judaism, which
          confronts the questions and dilemmas of the new Jew.]
          [16][Buy at Amazon:

          Lamm, Maurice. Becoming a Jew. Jonathan David Pub; 1991.
          Hardcover. ISBN 0-824603-50-8. [Designed expressly for non-Jews
          who are contemplating converting. Contains a section on the
          experiences of (halachic) converts, in their own words, then an
          examination of the laws of conversion, then an examination of
          after the conversion--dealing with Jews, with one's family,
          holidays, etc. Finally, a section on basic Jewish practice and
          belief. Lamm is a prominant Orthodox rabbi.]
          [17][Buy at Amazon:

          Lamm, Norman. "Love of the Stranger," in The Good Society:
          Jewish Ethics in Action. N. Lamm, ed. Viking Press, 1974. Out
          of Print. ISBN 0-670346-53-5. [A series of excerts from the
          Rambam (t'shuvot and mishnah torah) relating to Conversion with
          an introduction by Rabbi Lamm.]
          [18][Buy at Amazon:

          Lester, Julius. Lovesong: Becoming a Jew. Bulfinch Pr; 1995.
          Paperback. ISBN 1-559703-16-4.
          [19][Buy at Amazon:

          Lubling, Aaron. "Conversion in Jewish Law" in Journal of
          Halachah and Contemporary Society, #9. [A halachic analysis
          that points to many of the relevent gemaras and dinim in the
          Shulchan Aruch and in contemporary t'shuvot.]
          Mayer, Egon; Augar, Amy. Conversion Among the Intermarried:
          Choosing to Become Jewish. American Jewish Committee; 1987.
          Paperback. ISBN 0-874950-91-0.
          [20][Buy at Amazon:

          Myrowitz, Catherine Hall. Finding a Home for the Soul:
          Interviews With Converts to Judaism. Jason Aronson; 1995.
          Paperback. ISBN 1-568213-22-0.
          [21][Buy at Amazon:

          Romanoff, Lena. Your People, My People -- Finding Acceptance
          and Fulfillment as a Jew By Choice. Jewish Publication Society,
          Philadelphia PA. 1990. Identity Plus; 1999. Paperback. ISBN
          1-893382-00-1. [Includes good coverage of the differences in
          conversion practices between the three main branches of
          Judaism. Gives insights on how to make conversion work.
          [22][Buy at Amazon:

          Scalamonti, John David. Ordained to Be a Jew: A Catholic
          Priest's Conversion to Judaism. Ktav Publishing House; 1992.
          Hardcover. ISBN 0-881254-12-6.[The story of a Catholic priest
          who became a Jew.]
          [23][Buy at Amazon:

          Schiffman, Lawrence H. Who Was a Jew: Rabbinic and Halakhic
          Perspectives on the Jewish Christian Schism. Ktav Publishing
          House; 1985. Hardcover. ISBN 0-881250-53-8. [A historical
          analysis of the Jewish-Christian schism, attempting to
          determine the point at which Christianity was no longer viewed
          by Judaism as a sect, but rather as a Gentile religion. See
          especially chapter 3, which deals with conversion.]
          [24][Buy at Amazon:

          Zakar, Susan M.; Kaufmann, David. Judaism Online: Confronting
          Spirituality on the Internet. Jason Aronson; 1998. Hardcover.
          ISBN 0-765799-84-7.
          [25][Buy at Amazon:


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