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comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Section - 8.44 What commands or scripts exist for gathering and summarizing system information?

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Previous Document: 8.43 Why is tail's output truncated for large amounts of input?
Next Document: 8.45 How can I convert numbers from one base to another?
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Updated: 08/14/02

If Ignite-UX is installed, the print_manifest command provides a good
amount of information, including model, serial number, device info, swap
& LVM info, IP and kernel parameters, and installed filesets.

  # /opt/ignite/bin/print_manifest

Ignite-UX comes preinstalled on newer boxes, or the latest version can be
obtained for free from:

  o <>

If you're running 11.20 or later, the new machinfo command provides
similar information:

  # /usr/contrib/bin/machinfo

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Previous Document: 8.43 Why is tail's output truncated for large amounts of input?
Next Document: 8.45 How can I convert numbers from one base to another?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM