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comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Section - 8.43 Why is tail's output truncated for large amounts of input?

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From the tail(1) manpage:

  WARNINGS: Tails relative to end-of-file are stored in a 20-Kbyte buffer,
            and thus are limited in length.  Therefore, be wary of the
            results when piping output from other commands into tail.

For HP-UX 11.11, the 20K limitation is corrected by PHCO_24707.  For HP-UX
11.0 and earlier, GNU tail, part of the GNU textutils package, can be used

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Top Document: comp.sys.hp.hpux FAQ
Previous Document: 8.42 How can I create a /dev/zero special file?
Next Document: 8.44 What commands or scripts exist for gathering and summarizing system information?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM