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Dreams FAQ Pt.4/4: Research, Help, reading recommendations
Section - 7.4. Books, articles and other stuff to read

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Here comes a random  collection of  references contributed by  various
people. I don't know the bigger part of them...

[Recommendation by who is also]

Carlos Castaneda: THE ART OF DREAMING, 1993

Another  very valuable  part of  Castaneda's  work,   written from  an
extraordinarily lucid  viewpoint   and  with   extraordinarily healthy
spirit. It is  a  self-beneficent act  to read  this  one, and for  an
open-minded person, there are many words that  will surely function as
a trigger.
A diary-type document   that contains clear   explanations of powerful
dreaming  sessions and    journeys, and descriptions   of  Castaneda's
conversations with his own teacher.
Statements pointing the universe in which  we are dwelling. Statements
that  feed the  flame  of   hope, telling  about  the living   beings'
possibilities giving practical, abstract advices how to reach them.

Highly recommended not  only   for those who use   their  dreams as  a
playground, but for everyone.

1st edition
ISBN 0-06-017051-4 (cloth)
   USA $22.00
CANADA $29.50
260 pages, approx. 6,25x9,5 inches
For information, address:
HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.
10 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022.
A leatherbound signed first edition of the
book has been published by The Easton press.

[Recommendations by (Emily Stroppa)]
Two books I have found invaluable: I  wanted to mention The Dream Game
by Ann   Faraday,   published 1974.  Also, Breakthrough    Dreaming by
Dr. Gayle Delaney published 1991 by Bantam.  A third book I have found
very interesting is  Where People Fly And  Water Runs Uphill by Jeremy
Taylor published 1992 by Warner Books.

[Contributed by Jouni Smed, article reference]
    Blackmore, S. J. 1988. A Theory of lucid dreams and OBEs.  In Conscious
                     Mind, Sleeping Brain, 373-387, ed. J. Gackenbach and S.
                     LaBerge. New York: Plenum.
    --------- 1991. Lucid Dreaming: Awake in Your Sleep?. Skeptical Inquirer,
    Delage, Y. 1919. Le Reve. Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France.
    Fox, O. 1962.    Astral Projection. New York: University Books.
    Gackenbach, J., and J. Bosveld. 1989. Control Your Dreams. New York:
                    Harper & Row.
    Gackenbach, J., and S. LaBerge, eds. 1988. Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain.
                    New York: Plenum.
    Green, C. E. 1968. Lucid Dreams. London: Hamish Hamilton.
    Hearne, K. 1978. Lucid Dreams: An Electrophysiological and Psychological
                     Study. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Hull.
    --------- 1990.  The Dream Machine. Northants: Aquarian.
    Irwin, H. J. 1988. Out-of-body experiences and dream lucidity: Empirical
                      perspectives. In Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain, 353-371,
                      ed. J. Gackenbach and S. LaBerge. New York: Plenum.
    LaBerge, S. 1985. Lucid Dreaming. Los Angeles: Tarcher.
    LaBerge, S. and W. Dement. 1982a. Voluntary control of respiration during
                    REM sleep. Sleep Research, 11:107.
    --------- 1982b. Lateralization of alpha activity for dreamed singing and
                     counting during REM sleep. Psychophysiology, 19:331-332.
    LaBerge, S., W. Greenleaf, and B. Kerzierski. 1983. Physiological responses
                     to dreamed sexual activity during lucid REM sleep.
                     Psychophysiology, 20:454-455.
    Price, R. F., and D. B. Cohen. 1988. Lucid dream induction: An empirical
                     evaluation. In Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain, 105-134,
                     ed. J. Gackenbach and S. LaBerge.  New York: Plenum.
    Schatzman, M., A. Worsley, and P. Fenwick. 1988. Correspondence during
                     lucid dreams between dreamed and actual events. In
                     Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain, 155-179, ed. J. Gackenbach
                     and S. LaBerge.  New York: Plenum.
    Tart, C. 1988. From spontaneous event to lucidity: A review of attempts to
                     consciously control nocturnal dreaming. In Conscious Mind,
                     Sleeping Brain, 67-103, ed. J Gackenbach and S. LaBerge.
                     New York: Plenum.
    Tholey, P. 1983. Techniques for controlling and manipulating lucid dreams.
                     Perceptual and Motor Skills, 57:79-90.
    Van Eeden, F. 1913. A study of dreams. Proceedings of the Society for
                     Psychical Research, 26:431-461.

[Reference by ( gj student 156879)]
          "Consciousness and Abilities of Dream Characters Observed
During Lucid Dreaming", Perceptual and Motor skills, 1989, vol 68(2)
pages 567-578

[Recommendation by (Glenn Engstrand)]
By the  way, LUCID DREAMING  IN 30 DAYS is an   interesting book and I
recommend  it highly but only to   those who can  tolerate the new-age
packaging. It combines modern dream   techniques of LaBerge et.    al.
(like   dream  incubation,   self-hypnosis   and  other   "key-phrase"
conditioning techniques) with the  ancient traditions of  the Tibetans
(ostensibly),  Yaqi Indian  Shamanism,   totemic  art and  sympathetic
magick.  I  cannot say that I  have  lucid  dreamed  (in the bottom-up
sense) since reading the book but I can say that my dream-life is much
richer because of reading the book.

_Lucid Dreams In 30 Days: The Creative Sleep Program_
Keith Harary, Ph.D. and Pamela Weintraub
St. Martin's Paperbacks
ISBN 0-312-92487-9

[Recommendation by (Matthew Parry)]
   Freud, S.; Ed. Strachey,  J. & Richards, A.;  INTRODUCTORY LECTURES
J., (London, Penguin books Ltd., The Penguin Freud library, 1991).
   The  Introductory Lectures is   probably the best  read  of the two
books as it also has sections on parapraxes  (slips of the tongue etc)
and neuroses. The Interpretation of Dreams however,  is more suited to
someone who is interested  in  Freuds theories, Freud  considered this
his  greatest work because of  its complete exposition of his theories
at that time.

[Recommendation by:]
Here's a book that some may like or find helpful: Dreams, Symbols, and
Psychic Power; by Alex Tanous & Timothy Gray;  Bantam books, 1990.  It
was  fairly informative,  although  personally,  i  found some  of the
symbol interpretations a bit unusual/far fetched. Most are interesting
and offer at the least some insight .  It deals more with interpreting
dreams as opposed to lucid ones, though.

[Recommendation by Gary S. Trujillo] 
/Oneirocritica   of   Artemidorus   Daldianus/   (2nd   Century   AD).
Oneirocritica is the most comprehensive, the most sought after and the
most quoted book on  dream interpretation  to have  been written  from
antiquity to the present  times.  This  is  more than  a comprehensive
dream  dictionary....   The  extensively  revised index pages of  this
second edition are designed to be of help to curious readers trying to
make sense of  their dreams.  Also from  a desire to be helpful, dream
subjects  or symbols of which Artemidorus wrote  have been highlighted
in bold face by the publisher.
Oneirocritica of Artemidorus Daldianus (2nd Century AD),
translated by Robert J. White
2nd Edition, 9" x 6", 344 pages, 2.5 Lbs.,
Hardcover $36.50, ISBN 0-944558-03-8,
(To appear 10/90)
P.O. Box 2948
Torrance, CA 90509, USA

[Recommended by Jay E. Vinton <JEV@CU.NIH.GOV>]
i just wanted to mention another very good book by jeremy taylor (the
faq mentions a different one of his).  the one i have read is 'dream
work, techniques for discovering the creative power in dreams',
paulist press, ramsey, n.j., 1983.
it talks about techniques for recalling dreams, working on them by
yourself or in groups, lucid dreaming etc.  it is very practical and
insightful and full of wonderful examples.  it also has an extensive

[Recommended by (Matthew Parry)]
Rycroft,  C.  THE INNOCENCE   OF DREAMS,  (London: The  Hogarth press,
1979).  Has a good introduction  to and criticism  of Freud and Jung's
theories  with some Physiological    research into dreaming.   He then
introduces his  own   theory of dreaming   and gives  a list  of dream

[References by (Pamela Ryan)]
"Dreams That Come  True" is a  book by David  Ryback, PhD and  Letitia
Sweitzer, a   report of  some  research into   the subject of  psychic
dreams.   Originally  a skeptic, Dr.  Ryback  administered a survey to
more than 400 students, and   discovered that more than two-thirds  of
the  group   reported having a   psychic  dream.   After  studying the
accounts, and applying  some very   strict  criteria to  them,  Ryback
determined that, at the very least, one in twelve people experiences a
psychic dream compelling   enough  to  convince most people   of   its
reality.  Informal   surveys of  people  I  know have borne   out this

Dream Periodicals: I'm pretty sure the addresses  are current, but the
subscription rates might not be.  The  first two are mythic, mystical,
personal   approaches to  dreams and  dream   work; the  latter  is  a
professional journal covering  new findings  in   the field  of  dream

1337 Powerhouse Lane, Suite 22
Moab, UT 84532
$22/year (4 issues) in the US
$28/year Canada, Library or Mexico
$36/year Foreign Air
Telephone: (801) 259-5936

P.O. Box 402
Questa, NM 87556
$10/year (4 issues) in the US, Canada, or Mexico
$22/year -- all other foreign subscriptions

Subscription Department
Human Sciences Press
233 Spring Street
New York, NY 10013-1578
4 issues $40 in the US (if the subscription is for personal use)
Outside the US, $47
For professional/library use: $110 in US
Outside of US $130
*FREE if you join the ASD... [see below]

There is also an on-line newsletter  about dreams (it  may turn into a
private mailing list, but is currently in newsletter format):
To subscribe, e-mail    or

[recommendation by (Keimo Leppihalme)]
Donner, Florinda.
   Being-in-dreaming / Florinda Donner. -- 1st ed.
   ISBN 0-06-250233-6 (alk. paper)
   1. Witchcraft--Mexico.  2. Donner, Florinda.  I. Title.
   BF1584.M6D66  1991
A  natural   dreamer's autobiographical     account  of her   personal
involvement with    a group  of  rigorously    disciplined -  but  not
routinized - people, who  are highly developed and thoroughly  devoted
practicioners of   one of the   most sophisticated  Arts,  the Art  of
Fairly inspiring, defiantly  challenging. Practice,  a  hang-up for  a
lazy dreamer. But reading of these possibilities can't ever injure.

[Reference by ot]
What  readers in and  around Germany might  check out: Ulrich Schmitz,
"Ich denke also   bin  ich", iX  7/1994,  p.118.  [iX  is   a computer
magazine.]   Interview with   a  prize-winning  young  researcher  who
explores  the possibilities  of making  real-world   use out of  lucid
dreaming.  Most interesting  is that this seems  to hit the scientific

[I'm still looking for more book recommendations. If you know a piece
of literature that should be mentioned here, let me know! -ot]

Two other  rather  extensive FAQ documents are  worth mentioning here:
The ones  from  alt.atheism  and sci.skeptic (both posted regularly in
news.answers  and archived on The former contains stuff
about religious experiences, as well  as  a very well-written guide to
logical reasoning (worth reading for  all USENET  participants!).  The
latter tells much about scientific methods, how  to  back up  research
results and  avoid  obvious  and not-so-obvious traps, recommended  to
anyone who goes into dream research.


7.5. Organizations, etc.

[Recommended by (Pamela Ryan)]

Association for the Study of Dreams (ASD).

The ASD is a nonprofit, international, multidisciplinary organization
dedicated to the pure and applied investigation of dreams and dreaming.
Members include people from many different fields: anthropology,
literature, education, fine arts, medicine, psychology, religion,
and social work.  Laypeople are invited to join.  They publish a
scientific journal (Dreaming) and sponsor annual conferences, which
are usually attended by most of the major "dream personalities".....
LaBerge, Taylor, Garfield, Delaney, Hobson, Krippner, etc.

Association for the Study of Dreams
P.O. Box 1600
Vienna, VA 22183
(703) 242-8888

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