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Dreams FAQ Pt.4/4: Research, Help, reading recommendations
Section - 7.3. What about the dream experiments on alt.dreams?

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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.4/4: Research, Help, reading recommendations
Previous Document: 7.2. How do various drugs/nutritional components influence dreaming?
Next Document: 7.4. Books, articles and other stuff to read
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A. Several experiments  have been conducted  to find out whether there
are shared  dream experiences. On alt.dreams  was posted a description
of a particular place,  and people  encouraged  to get there in  their
dreams. Dream logs were collected via e-mail by  a person not involved
in the  actual  experiment, who compared  the  reports and looked  for
similarities.   Of   course,  reports   of different    people  having
conversation about  the same topic, or people  leaving items there and
others picking  up the  same items  (as suggested  in the experiments)
were  what was  looked  after.  The last   of  these  experiments ("SS
Dreamers"), held in Dec.92-Jan.93,  was  a  failure. The most   recent
"Cafe Dreamers" experiment [Dec.93] results have remained unpublished.
(We should get them out soon, I'll  take the necessary steps...) Other
experiments, especially "Dream Train" of [when was that exactly?] have
been   more  successful.  [Does anybody   archive the  reports?] These
experiments  do not meet all  strict  scientific criteria (cf. section
5.3.).  However,   for the   people involved,   they  have always been
interesting experiences.

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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.4/4: Research, Help, reading recommendations
Previous Document: 7.2. How do various drugs/nutritional components influence dreaming?
Next Document: 7.4. Books, articles and other stuff to read

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM