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Irish FAQ: Cuisine (Recipes) [7/10]
Section - 6) Potato Cakes

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Top Document: Irish FAQ: Cuisine (Recipes) [7/10]
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	From Deirdre Barr

	Potato Cakes (1)

	2 tablespoons butter
	1 cup flour
	1/2 teaspoon baking powder
	1/2 teaspoon salt
	3 cups freshly mashed potatoes.

	Rub the butter into the flour.  Add the baking powder and salt
	and mix well.  Add the potatoes and bind all together with your
	hand.  Roll out to quarter-inch thickness on a well floured
	board with a well-floured rolling pin.  Cut in squares or stamp
	out with a cutter. Bake on an ungreased griddle until brown on
	both sides.  Serve hot with running butter.  Yields 12 cakes.
	(Cold potato cakes are often fried with the breakfast bacon)

	Potato Cakes (2)

	1 tablespoon flour
	1/2 teaspoon salt
	2 cups freshly mashed potatoes
	2 teaspoons bacon drippings for the griddle.

	Sprinkle the salted flour over the potatoes and knead lightly
	together.  Roll out on a floured board to quarter-inch
	thickness.  Cut in quarters or stamp out into rounds.  Put on a
	greased griddle and cook on an even heat until both sides are
	well browned.  When cooked, butter generously and eat at once.
	Yields 6-8 cakes. Major heart attack food but extremely tasty.

User Contributions:

Ivan Brookes
I'm looking for information regarding navigable waterways for a 44' fly bridge cruiser for corporate entertainment such as the big horse racing events. I've searched the internet and book stores here in Walws without success.

Ivan Brookes

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Top Document: Irish FAQ: Cuisine (Recipes) [7/10]
Previous Document: 5) Boxty
Next Document: 7) Coddle

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM