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[alt.backrubs] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQL), (4/5)
Section - Advice for a recipient of professional massage

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Top Document: [alt.backrubs] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQL), (4/5)
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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
is available in the archive file `'.  The archive is the
subject of question 5.1.2.  In addition, Corrina Perrone
<> recommends: 
      If you aren't comfortable with the MT touching you the treatment
   isn't going to help you regardless what techniques they use.  Be
   sure to tell them if something makes you uncomfortable, and feel
   free to ask questions about anything they do. You should feel
   respected and honoured, and the session should provide
   opportunities for you to relax and get back in touch with yourself.
      Remember that any MT needs to know if you are seeing another
   practitioner, in order to make sure the massage won't interfere.
   Many people don't know for instance that if they are taking drugs,
   even for chronic illnesses, their dosages will often need to be
   decreased if they regularly receive bodywork treatments.

        What follows is adapted from some advice that MayaWay
<> posted the following advice for the Maine Massage Guild:

                 How To Enhance Your Treatment Experience

  - You'll feel more comfortable if you don't eat for two hours before
   your session.
  - Draping will be employed for traditional massage.  For other
   therapies wear loose fitting comfortable clothing.
  - Let your therapist know if you have any medical or physical
   conditions which might contraindicate certain types of treatment.
   (See also part b) of question 4.3, about finding a capable MT,
  - Remove any unnecessary jewelry that could cause scratching or
   interfere with having a smooth massage.
  - If you wear glasses or contact lenses, consider removing them.  It
   may add to your relaxing experience.
  - If you're concerned about getting oil on your hair, inform your
   therapist.  You won't want to miss out on a head massage!
  - Quieting yourself will allow you to tune in to your experience and
   relax more deeply.  Do give your therapist feedback regarding your
   experience and feel free to ask any questions you'd like.
  - Breathe deeply and regularly, stressing your exhalation.  Imagine
   your body becoming heavy and sinking into the table or mat.  As the
   therapist locates areas of tension, consciously allow yourself to
   breath and relax into those areas.
  - Sometimes during a massage or other type of treatment emotions
   will surface.  It may be of great benefit to release and work
   through them if you feel comfortable doing so.  (See the archive
   and question 4.2 for related information.  Information about the
   archive appears in question 5.1.2.)

        Additionally many MTs recommend that you drink water (about 250 ml
= 1 cup = 8 oz.) after your massage.

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Top Document: [alt.backrubs] Frequently Asked Questions (FAQL), (4/5)
Previous Document: Finding a good professional massage
Next Document: How much will it cost? Should I tip? Can I get it cheaper?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM