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REPOST: Artificial Intelligence FAQ: General Questions & Answers 1/6 [Monthly posting]
Section - [1-9] What's the difference between "classical" AI and

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Top Document: REPOST: Artificial Intelligence FAQ: General Questions & Answers 1/6 [Monthly posting]
Previous Document: [1-8] What are good programming languages for AI?
Next Document: [1-10] Glossary of AI terms.
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"statistical" AI?

Statistical AI, arising from machine learning, tends to be more
concerned with "inductive" thought: given a set of patterns, induce
the trend.  Classical AI, on the other hand, is more concerned with
"deductive" thought: given a set of constraints, deduce a conclusion.
Another difference, as mentioned in the previous question, is that C++
tends to be a favourite language for statistical AI while LISP
dominates in classical AI.

A system can't be truely intelligent without displaying properties of both
inductive and deductive thought.  This lends me to beleive that in the end,
there will be some kind of synthesis of statistical and classical AI.

User Contributions:

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