United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
8543.90.35 - 8703.10.10
> 8607.19.30
Previous Tariff (8607.19.15 - Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, parts of wheels)
Next Tariff (8607.19.90 - Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, parts of truck assemblies for self-propelled vehicles or for non-self propelled nesoi)
HTS Number:
Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, parts of truck assemblies for non-self-propelled passenger coaches or freight cars
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8607.19.15 - Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, parts of wheels)
Next Tariff (8607.19.90 - Parts of railway/tramway locomotives/rolling stock, parts of truck assemblies for self-propelled vehicles or for non-self propelled nesoi)
Related Rulings:
1995 NY 806662 - The tariff classification of bolsters and side frames for freight car truck assemblies from South Africa