United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
Rulings By Number
Rulings By Category
Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
8425.31.01 - 8436.10.00
> 8430.20.00
Previous Tariff (8430.10.00 - Pile-drivers and pile-extractors)
Next Tariff (8430.31.00 - Self-propelled coal or rock cutters and tunneling machinery)
HTS Number:
Snowplows and snowblowers
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (8430.10.00 - Pile-drivers and pile-extractors)
Next Tariff (8430.31.00 - Self-propelled coal or rock cutters and tunneling machinery)
Related Rulings:
1994 NY 800666 - The tariff classification of snowplows from Austria
1994 NY 892309 - The tariff classification of a tractor and snowblowing machinery from Austria.
1994 NY 898677 - The tariff classification of snowplows from Austria
1994 NY 898919 - The tariff classification of snowplows from Austria
1994 NY 898925 - The tariff classification of snowplows from Austria
1995 NY 809154 - The tariff classification of snowblowing machinery from Austria.
1996 NY A80253 - The tariff classification of tractors from Germany and snowblowers from Austria
1997 NY 800666 - The tariff classification of snowplows from Austria
1997 NY 892309 - The tariff classification of a tractor and snowblowing machinery from Austria.
2003 NY J83747 - The tariff classification of Snowcat Snow Removal Equipment from Japan