United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
6402.99.31 - 6504.00.90
> 6501.00.60
Previous Tariff (6501.00.30 - Hat forms, hat bodies and hoods, not blocked to shape or with made brims; plateaux & manchons; all of fur felt, for men or boys)
Next Tariff (6501.00.90 - Hat forms, hat bodies and hoods, not blocked to shape or with made brims; plateaux & manchons; all of felt, other than fur felt)
HTS Number:
Hat forms, hat bodies and hoods, not blocked to shape or with made brims; plateaux & manchons; all of fur felt, not for men or boys
MFN Duty Rate:
96 cents/doz. + 1.4%
Previous Tariff (6501.00.30 - Hat forms, hat bodies and hoods, not blocked to shape or with made brims; plateaux & manchons; all of fur felt, for men or boys)
Next Tariff (6501.00.90 - Hat forms, hat bodies and hoods, not blocked to shape or with made brims; plateaux & manchons; all of felt, other than fur felt)
Related Rulings:
2001 HQ 962742 - Protest No. 5501-98-100232; Western Hats; Men’s Hats; Unisex hats; Principle Use