United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
6304.99.35 - 6402.99.30
> 6402.19.05
Previous Tariff (6402.12.00 - Ski-boots, cross-country ski footwear and snowboard boots, w/outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics)
Next Tariff (6402.19.15 - Sports footwear (o/than ski fwear & golf shoes), w/outer soles of rubber or plastics & uppers >90% ext. surf. area rubber or plast.)
HTS Number:
Golf shoes w/outer soles of rubber or plastics and uppers > 90% of ext. surface area rubber or plastics
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (6402.12.00 - Ski-boots, cross-country ski footwear and snowboard boots, w/outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics)
Next Tariff (6402.19.15 - Sports footwear (o/than ski fwear & golf shoes), w/outer soles of rubber or plastics & uppers >90% ext. surf. area rubber or plast.)
Related Rulings:
1997 NY B88831 - The tariff classification of golf shoes from China
1998 NY D81248 - The tariff classification of footwear from Thailand
1999 NY D83760 - The tariff classification of golf shoes from China.
1999 NY D86792 - The tariff classification of a golf shoe from Mexico.
2000 NY F85135 - The tariff classification of footwear from China
2006 NY L88568 - The tariff classification of footwear from China