United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
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Tariff Numbers
5801.31.00 - 5904.92.00
> 5806.39.10
Previous Tariff (5806.32.20 - Narrow woven fabrics (other than ribbons), not pile, of man-made fibers, not cont by wt 5% or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber)
Next Tariff (5806.39.20 - Narrow woven fabric (not good of heading 5807), not pile, of vegetable fibers except cotton, not cont by wt 5% or more elastomer yarn/rubber)
HTS Number:
Narrow woven fabrics (not goods of heading 5807), not pile, of wool/fine animal hair, not cont by wt 5% or more elastomeric yarn or rubber
MFN Duty Rate:
Previous Tariff (5806.32.20 - Narrow woven fabrics (other than ribbons), not pile, of man-made fibers, not cont by wt 5% or more of elastomeric yarn or rubber)
Next Tariff (5806.39.20 - Narrow woven fabric (not good of heading 5807), not pile, of vegetable fibers except cotton, not cont by wt 5% or more elastomer yarn/rubber)
Related Rulings:
1998 HQ 961986 - Modification of NY C83218 Concerning Three Styles of Ornamental Ribbons
2000 NY G81641 - The tariff classification of ribbons from Taiwan.
2003 NY J88600 - The tariff classification of a wool ribbon, for use as a household decoration, from China.