United States International Trade Commision Rulings And Harmonized Tariff Schedule
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Tariff Numbers
5101.30.10 - 5201.00.38
> 5101.30.40
Previous Tariff (5101.30.30 - Wool, excluding unimproved, finer than 44s but not finer than 46s, carbonized, not further processed, not carded or combed)
Next Tariff (5101.30.65 - Unimproved wool and other wool, not finer than 46s, carbonized and further processed, not carded or combed)
HTS Number:
Wool, excluding unimproved, finer than 46s, carbonized, not further processed, not carded or combed
MFN Duty Rate:
24.4 cents/kg
Previous Tariff (5101.30.30 - Wool, excluding unimproved, finer than 44s but not finer than 46s, carbonized, not further processed, not carded or combed)
Next Tariff (5101.30.65 - Unimproved wool and other wool, not finer than 46s, carbonized and further processed, not carded or combed)
Related Rulings:
1995 NY 808494 - The tariff classification of boiled wool from Australia.
1996 HQ 958133 - Protest No. 0401-95-100203; boiled wool; subheadings 5101.30.4000, 5103.20.0000; Explanatory Notes to heading 5103; Items 307.18 and 307.30, TSUS